Documents Required For Engineers Australia Stage 2 competencies

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You must have heard about the assessment of Engineers Australia Stage 2 competencies if you desire to become a Chartered Professional Engineer in Australia. It is a requirement for those who want to attain Chartered status.

You must have heard about the assessment of Engineers Australia Stage 2 competencies if you desire to become a Chartered Professional Engineer in Australia. It is a requirement for those who want to attain Chartered status.

So, if you are planning to apply for this assessment, you need to submit some documents.

Now, you must be thinking about what these documents are.

Having taken this need into consideration, we have written this blog. Here, we will tell you the necessary documents you need to submit along with your application for the assessment of Engineers Australia stage 2 competencies.  So, you should read the entire blog before you apply.

Required documents:

For the Chartered recognition, you need to submit some documents. These documents are required to qualify for the CPEng status. These documents are:

  • Engineering Competency Claims (ECCs)
  • An up-to-date resume
  • Engineering Experience Record (EER)
  • Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Record

Engineering Competency Claims (ECCs):

In the document of Engineering Competency Claims (ECCs), mention your core competencies and work experience. This document shows your involvement in the technological field of engineering.

The number of competency claims to be submitted is dependent on the type of pathway you have chosen. For instance, you must have sixteen engineering competency claims if having chosen the ECR pathways.

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Record:

The document of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) will allow you to show your skills and knowledge in the engineering field you claimed. It’s a necessary part of the NER (National Engineering Registration) application.

You are required to show how many CPD hours you have accomplished in the past 3-year period. It includes the details about your commitment towards the engineering product, technological efficiency and standards you show in the workplace.

Engineering Experience Record (EER):

It includes all your work experience records. You must mention the employer’s name under which you worked. Aside from that, mention the job roles and responsibilities you fulfilled in your employment period. The word limit for the Engineering Experience Record document is nearly 700 words.

Most updated resume:

You have to upload the latest Curriculum Vitae/Resume for the assessment of your EA Stage 2 competencies. This document must be with your latest work experience history and the one you are currently engaged in. Keep your resume simple and written in a precise way.


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