Ear Reconstruction with Rib cartilage Technique: Advantages & Procedure

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Ear deformities or malformations can be either by birth or due to some injuries.

The technique used by Dr. Parag Telang, the best ear surgeon in India, requires rib cartilage to reconstruct the ear. It is one of the safest techniques as no foreign substance is inserted into the body. So, the surgery should be delayed enough to have sufficient cartilage to make an adult-sized ear. One should wait for at least until the child is 9 years old before the surgery. Getting ear reconstruction in childhood can help the child lead a normal life.

Advantages of ear reconstruction using rib cartilage

Using the rib cartilage is the most preferred technique for ear reconstruction surgery. In this technique, the patient's natural tissue is used for creating the ear framework.

  1. Natural looking results
  2. Permanent results
  3. No periodic visits to the surgeon
  4. Easily accepted by the body

Ear Reconstruction Procedure: Stage 1

  1. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia or general anesthesia depending on the underlying condition.
  2. The framework is created in the same shape and size as the other ear.
  3. The measurement is taken, markings are made and a sketch of the ear is drawn.
  4. A part of the rib cartilage is taken and work on a portion of the ribcage is done to remove cartilage.
  5. The cartilage is cut according to the design (Sketch) and then it is sterilized.
  6. The rib area is cleaned and stitched with sutures.
  7. A pocket is created to insert the framework.
  8. The deformed cartilage is removed to replace the new one.
  9. Muscle attachments are removed from the bones and the cartilage.
  10. The cartilage is cut and grooves are made to match the shape of the ear
  11. Bone creates the rim of the ear one is stitched with the cartilage to make a complete ea.r
  12. The designed ear framework is matched from time to time again with the sketch.
  13. The framework is inserted into the ear pocket and stitched properly
  14. Suction drainage helps to secure a tight contact between the skin flap and the implanted framework.
  15. The dressing is done at the end.

The patient is expected to stay at the hospital for around 5-7 days and the second stage is performed after a gap of 5-6 months.

Ear Reconstruction Procedure: Stage 2

After the successful completion of stage one, the second stage of surgery is performed to improve the shape and appearance of scars.

  1. The ear needs to be put into its proper position in order to make it look like a normal ear sticking out from the head.
  2. The ear is lifted with a piece of cartilage.
  3. A flap of tissue is added and skin grafting is done over the exposed cartilage at the end of the procedure.

The procedure in this stage takes about 3-4 hours and the patient is expected to stay in the hospital for 2-3 days.

The Microtia Trust aims at providing the best care to people who are seeking effective treatment for the reconstruction of an absent or damaged external ear. The main purpose of Microtia Trust is to create awareness among people that microtia and ear reconstruction surgery can help to achieve a normal ear appearance by correcting various types of ear defects.

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