Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's Legendary is well balanced

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Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's Legendary is well balanced

It's no secret that Pokemon aren't created equal. While some may be cute or based on interesting concepts, they can also be terrible in terms of competing usability. Historically, Legendary Pokémon have excelled on the battlefield due to their high stats. In some cases, however, they're just too powerful, making combat feel unbalanced. Fortunately, this mistake hasn't been repeated with Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, which have relatively balanced lore. We can Buy Shiny Pokemon Violet at PKMBUY.

Miraidon and Koraidon are well balanced in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

The legends of Scarlet and Violet are Miraidon and Koraidon from the future and past respectively. They form an important part of the game, as players use them to travel across Paldea. Like the previous Legends, Miraidon and Koraidon are strong. However, they don't break the rules of the game too much. They both have a base stat of 670 and a speed stat of 135, though the rest of their stats are spread differently. Miraidon is arguably slightly better than Koraidon, as it has four weaknesses, while Koraidon has five. Also, Electric/Dragon is more useful than Fighting/Dragon because it allows the player to use many paralyzing actions. Still, both Pokemon have enough weaknesses, and neither has overly high stats to make them impressive without being too powerful.

Power creep is an issue that has affected multiple generations of Pokemon, causing once-viable beasts in the past to be completely overtaken by new creatures. Legendary raises the Pokémon's power ceiling, making the problem worse. Miraidon and Koraidon help alleviate this problem, as they don't raise the cap any further, though they don't look like weakened legends either. This is the perfect balance that should be replicated in future games. 

If you want to Buy Shiny Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, please look for them on https://www.pkmbuy.com/pokemon-sv/items.

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