WAHEDs' Guide: How To Buy And Sell Bitcoin Online

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With a staggering price of just over $69,000, bitcoin caught the world’s attention in 2021. In a year that featured a record crypto market surge.

With a staggering price of just over $69,000, bitcoin caught the world’s attention in 2021. In a year that featured a record crypto market surge, it was bitcoin that led the pack. Bringing in millions of enthusiastic new investors from around the world, cryptocurrency as an asset class saw an abrupt emergence. 

For the longest time, Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies were seen as an asset that was too risky for established investors to be a part of. However, the last few years have brought in significant amounts of attention to the space. With the arrival of institutional investors, high-profile initial coin offerings and consumer-facing services, buying and selling bitcoin online has never been easier. 


The closest that one has to a bitcoin store is an exchange, and is currently the quickest and safest option for purchasing bitcoin. By bringing together an interested buyer with willing sellers, exchanges are essential for the buy and sell of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Exchanges are a trusted third party that enables people to buy and sell bitcoin, taking a transaction fee for their services. 

Buying and Selling Bitcoin with Fiat Currency

Depending on where in the world you live, buying and selling bitcoin needs to be compliant with local laws and regulations. Exchanging your dollars, Dinar or Euros for bitcoin needs to be done while considering a series of government compliances and regulations. 


Buying and selling bitcoin in your native currency requires an approved exchange to serve as an on/off ramp. These form an essential link between traditional finance run by banks, and the decentralized financial world of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. 

Buying and Selling Bitcoin with Other Cryptocurrency

Some people set their investment goals relative to earnings in bitcoin, rather than government-issued currencies. Buying and selling between cryptocurrencies to maximize bitcoin earnings is widespread in the cryptocurrency space. 

Traders often use a variety of exchanges to get the most out of their bitcoin. By participating in exchanges based in different countries, one can get the best local prices when buying and selling bitcoin. 


Though bitcoin is the first truly international currency, a variety of factors affect local prices. Trade volume, and the price flexibility that comes along with it, can be determined by local government regulations. This can sometimes provide an opportunity for arbitrage trading, a highly profitable method of buying and selling bitcoin. 


WAHED Exchange as Your Window Into Buying and Selling Bitcoin

WAHED aims to bridge the gap between these two worlds. With the WAHED Exchange, powered by WAHED Coin, those looking to buy and sell bitcoin in Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and all over the Middle East will finally have access to a local, world-class exchange. 


Choosing WAHED as your preferred cryptocurrency platform will give you access to attractive local prices. Philanthropy and investing in innovative startups forms a core focus of the team behind WAHED. All trade fees from buying and selling bitcoin on the WAHED Exchange will go towards making the world a better decentralized and cooperative place. 


Bitcoin is a truly global currency, and the network only gets stronger as participation around the world increases. WAHED Coin and the ecosystem being built streamlines entry into this space for all those in the Middle East looking to buy and sell bitcoin online.  

Stay updated about all the developments around WAHED coin via our official website, Twitter, Facebook and Discord. Become a part of our mailing list and be the first to know about giveaways and exclusive offers.

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