The Late Winter Checklist: Preparing Your Home For Spring Pests

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Most pests find shelter near a source of food. Pests like cockroaches and ants are attracted to food spills, kitchen stains, and food left out in the open.

It's late winter, and the challenges pests pose during this time require extra precaution from homeowners. It's when pests come out, create new hiding spots, and increase their population as the temperature increases their activity. So, it's essential to be active and prevent infestations. Here is a checklist that will help you keep a proactive approach and ask for appropriate help from pest control Owen Sound Ontario.

Inspect for Vulnerable Spots

Pests always make their homes at spots that aren't easily accessible. It depends on your lifestyle. Which spots do you rarely access inside your home? These can become potential entry points or maybe inhabitable by pests. Identifying these spots is critical in the examination. If you cannot do the inspection yourself, call in the exterminator Owen Sound. They can use simple tools to check these spots and fix the openings using caulk or weatherstripping.

Manage Moisture Around Your Home

Moisture is a big threat to your home throughout the winter. Water acts as a temperature control agent and invites pests. Pests like cockroaches, ants, and other similar insects prefer moist environments. The areas of your home, like the gutters, foundations, yard puddles, and more, can be prime targets for moisture buildup. Ensure that you have the correct measures to control moisture in these areas.

Declutter Storage Spaces

Focus on how you can declutter your spaces. Most pests require shelter, and they often choose basements or garages because they are often flooded by stuff. Most people have a basement or a garage that is full of clutter. If ants, rats, or other animals live in these areas, there is no way you can find out other than decluttering the area. Keeping these places organized and clean also reduces the chance of pests infesting them, as they sense the area is unsafe.

Clean Your Kitchen Thoroughly

Most pests find shelter near a source of food. Pests like cockroaches and ants are attracted to food spills, kitchen stains, and food left out in the open. Before the winter ends, you must clean your kitchen thoroughly. The chances of infestation are significantly reduced when pests cannot find suitable shelter near a food source. Clean surfaces using a vinegar-based solution, scrub corners using disinfectants, and schedule pest inspection services Lewis Clock if you suspect an infestation.

Take action now! Early measures taken now can reduce your springtime pest issues.

Contact pest control services today at

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