How to Fix a Stuck Rokinon Auto Teleconverter 2x

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In this article, we are going to show you about how you can fix the Rokinon Auto Teleconverter 2x stuck error.

To take breathtaking long-distance shots, photographers depend on items like the Rokinon Auto Teleconverter 2x to give extra power to existing lenses. But a teleconverter stuck in its position becomes an annoying and serious issue. If such is your case, just relax; there are simple solutions to get your problem resolved. 

Steps to Unstick Your Rokinon Auto Teleconverter 2x

1. Gently Wiggle the Teleconverter: Firstly, turn off the camera, then, while holding the lens, gently wiggle the teleconverter. Do not exert too much force, as excess pressure may damage the connectors.

2. Check for Lock Mechanism Issues: Inspect the lock mechanism and ensure it is not stuck. Occasionally, dirt or grime can impede the release mechanism. Use a clean, dry cloth to wipe it down.

3. Use Lens Release Button: Press the lens release button on your camera body and gently try releasing the teleconverter. Press in the right direction for releasing.

4. Apply a Non-Invasive Lubricant: If the teleconverter is still stuck, apply a little non-invasive lubricant on the metal mount area. It will reduce friction and help dismount.

5. Seek Professional Assistance: Consult a professional camera technician if the matter is more serious. Do not force it out, as this could cause permanent damage.

Preventive Tips

  • Regular Cleaning: Ensure that the teleconverter and lens mount are clean, and do not allow dirt or debris to build up. 

  • Secure Attachments: Make sure a teleconverter is aligned properly and attached securely down, but do not overdo it with tightening.


Dealing with a jammed Rokinon Auto Teleconverter 2x is pretty much nerve-wracking, but this bunch of easy steps will surely ensure that the mess gets cleared up in real-time. Always remember to take care of your photoperiod for the next time so that such incidents don't happen again. When in doubt, always reach out for professional guidance for the sake of your equipment.


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