How to Protect Your Voice and Story When Hiring a Ghostwriter for Your Nonfiction Book

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Hiring a ghostwriter can be an amazing experience. It can allow you to bring your book to life without the stress of navigating the writing process alone.

Okay, let's talk about something that's both exciting and a little nerve-wracking: hiring a ghostwriter for your non-fiction book. You've got this incredible idea, a story yearning to be told, but maybe the actual writing part feels like scaling Mount Everest in flip-flops. That's where a ghostwriter comes in – a literary Sherpa to help you reach the summit.

But here's the thing: this is your story, your voice. How do you make sure that gets preserved when you're handing the pen (or keyboard) over to someone else? It's totally doable, and today we're going to break down how to protect your unique voice and story throughout the ghostwriting nonfiction process.

First Things First: Finding the Right Fit

Hire a ghostwriter the same way you would date somebody, but hopefully, with better results! You won't just choose the first guy who swiped right, would you? You need someone who understands you in the same way for your book.

Look for Experience in Your Niche: A ghostwriter who specializes in, say, business strategy won't be suitable if your book is about ancient pottery. Search for someone who has a previous track record with your subject.

Check Out Their Portfolio: Demand writing samples. Do you get a connection from their tone? Does their style resonate with what you want your book to sound like?

Have a Real Conversation: Do not just go back and forth via email. Come on a call or video chat. Get a feel for the personality and communication style. Can you envision working with this person for the next few months?

Setting the Stage: Defining Your Voice and Vision

You've got some groundwork to do before the first word gets written. This is not just handing over a vague idea; it's providing a clear roadmap for your ghostwriter.

Brain Dump Time: Take some time to write down your thoughts, key messages, and the overall vibe you want your book to convey. Don't worry about grammar or structure yet; just get it all out. This gives your ghostwriter a glimpse into your thought process.

Share Your "Inspiration Folder": Collect articles, books, or even songs that resonate with the feel and tone you want. This is a great way to show, not just tell.

Discuss Your Target Audience: Who is this book for? Knowing your readers helps the ghostwriter speak in the voice of your audience.

Collaborating: A True Partnership

It's not a "write it and leave it" deal. It's a collaboration.

Regular Check-Ins: Hold regular check-in calls or meetings where you can review progress, give feedback, and ask questions. Don't be afraid to speak up when you're worried or want to suggest a change.

Give Concrete Feedback: Instead of saying "I don't like this," try saying "This section feels a little formal to me; can we make it more conversational?" Concrete feedback is infinitely more useful.

Don't Be Afraid to Push Back (Respectfully): It's Your Book. When something doesn't feel right, say so. A good ghostwriter will understand your candor and work well with you toward getting it right.

The "Voice" Test: As you get through each of the chapters, read them out loud. Does that sound like you? Is it the kind of language that does you justice? Then flag it in for revision, if it isn't.

Finishing Touches: Your Own Stamp on it

Even after that final draft is complete, there's more to be done:

Extensive Review: Read the manuscript through and through. Look for voice inconsistencies or places where the perspective does not quite ring true.

Don't Fear Revisions: Don't be afraid to request changes to that small phrase or word. It's a final opportunity to ensure the book rings of you.

Claim Your Credit: When it's all said and done, make sure your name is front and center. A ghostwriter's job is to help you tell your story, not to steal the spotlight.

In a nutshell

Hiring a ghostwriter can be an amazing experience. It can allow you to bring your book to life without the stress of navigating the writing process alone. Choosing the right ghostwriter, setting expectations, collaborating, and staying involved will protect your voice and make sure that the final book really reflects you and the story you want to share with the world. So go ahead, tell your story to the world, they are waiting to hear it.

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