7 Ways to Boost Your Energy with Ayurveda

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Many factors deplete our energy in the modern world. We have an information overload, are attached to our electronics, and are continuously on the go. Self-care and energizing activities like freshly cooked meals, moderate exercise, and encouraging company and conversation are things we do


Being tired is one of the most common complaints I hear from patients as a doctor. Once medical issues have been ruled out, the main causes are considered to be lifestyle choices and stress. Often, overdoing and over thinking are the main causes of our weariness. We can potentially use up more energy when we worry about the events in our lives and spend too much time thinking than when we exercise.

How the Doshas Experience Low Energy and Fatigue

Additionally, the doshas can go out of balance and lead to weariness. Fatigue can result from an out-of-balance dosha. Here is how Vata, Pitta, and Kapha might interpret this.


Vatas want to be active and move around, but they also need to balance their natural energy with some downtime. Talking and interacting too much might be draining. Additionally, skipping meals deprives the body of the nutrition it requires. Vatas have a tendency to appear to have lots of energy for brief periods before they crash and become so exhausted that they can't even fall asleep.


Pittas have a tendency to overdo everything, whether it's excessive effort, excessive preparation, or excessive exercise. Pittas may experience initial vigor and excitement from all of their endeavors, but they soon overcommit themselves. They become exhausted and may become agitated as a result.


Kaphas are the best at conserving their energy by not overdoing things, but occasionally, their passivity might be the main contributor to exhaustion. With their exhaustion, they may also become complacent and get the "blues." While eating gives us energy, because of their slow digestion, Kaphas must be careful not to overheat, which can lead to heaviness and lethargy.

Tips to Increase or Preserve Your Energy

Here are some tips for creating energy and maintaining the energy you need to thrive every day:

Wake up early and meditate every morning to tap into your energy stores for the day.

Do some movement to get the fires burning for the day. If it is cold and heavy outside, as in the winter, consider a few minutes of more vigorous exercise. If you live in a climate that is hot, some more gentle movement may be best.

Eat for your hunger level in the morning. For a Vata or Pitta, that usually includes a hearty breakfast, but for Kaphas may only include some warm tea or coffee.if any one looking for an ayurveda treatment in kerala,contat krishnedu..


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