How to Convince Your Parents for Your Love Marriage?

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The current eon is about love marriages more than arranged marriages. Getting married to the love of your life brings you a great sense of comfort since you know that person in and out.

The current eon is about love marriages more than arranged marriages. Getting married to the love of your life brings you a great sense of comfort since you know that person in and out. Once you two have decided to get married to each other, the second and most crucial step is convincing your parents.


How easy or difficult this convincing would depends on how conventional your parents are and how much they value getting married within the same caste or community.


Here we bring you some tips to have some relief during the convincing stage. Let's get to know here-


Be Very Sure about Your Choice


Make sure that you know your person and that you truly love them. Ask yourself if it is an infatuation or you are in love with just the idea of love. The other person should equally be sure about you as you are about them.


You two should know each other and the family's background. You should be aware of each other's goals in life, and you should work perfectly as a couple. You should know how to solve conflicts with them and ensure no dubiousness left about making them your life partner.


Once you both are sure about your choice, only then take it forward to your parents. 


Because if you are not sure about the relationship or if you or that person steps back after informing your parents, chances are they won't believe you the next time.


Prepare Yourself for the Questionnaire


Talking to your parents about love marriage is not going to be easy. You would face many questions that need to be answered wisely, politely, and most importantly, honestly. They may throw questions like:


· How can you come to us with the idea of a love marriage?

· What would people say? What is about your siblings, they would follow the same?

· Why can't you find any person within our community?

· What is so unique about him, and why does he want to marry you?

· What is his family background?

· What will you do if he would not love you after marriage?


While answering, you should not sound immature or impatient. Of course, there would be arguments because there is a generation gap between you and your parents. Try to understand their perception and make them understand yours too.


This is not going to be quick and easy. Hence be patient throughout the process.


Try Talking about Love Marriages


You won't want to go to your parents and tell them straight that you love someone and you want to marry them. The results would not be pleasant. Instead, start scratching the surface first; have an idea about what their views are about love marriages.


You can also start with a real-life example, perhaps of your friend. Someone who did love marriage in your friends' circle. Tell your parents how happy he or she is in their marital life.


You can also start the discussion while watching a movie where there is an emphasis on living happily after a love marriage.


Choose Your Side to Smoothen the Flow


When you start giving these examples, you get to know what your parents think about love marriages. You may also notice that both of your parents are not equally opposed to love marriages; one may be more polite.


This is the time when you need to choose between your mom and dad; whoever is more decent about the topic to talk further on the subject. At the right time, you can reveal that you have someone with whom you want to spend your life.


In the beginning, they may get shocked or even yell at you, but keep in mind that these things would happen, so approach them with an open mind.


Gradually you can come up with your partner's name and share their small to big achievements to catch your parent's attention. Infuse them with the positive aspects of your partner whenever the moment is right. This will help them forming a positive image of that person.


When one parent is convinced, it will help you convince the other parent easily. Perhaps in the future, you may call your partner home to meet your parents.


Having a horoscope match also helps a couple to know how compatible they would be together. Going for an astrologer is recommended for having a clear reading. You can also use online love calculator and check out how well you two would go with each other.

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