How Do We Choose Between Alpha One Gen 1 And Gen 2?

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Looking for a reliable Alpha Gen 2 Transom? is a remarkable online website that offers a wide selection of Alpha Gen 2 Transoms at the best prices. This item qualifies for large delivery due to its size and weight. Do visit our site for more info.

The performance of a boat is greatly determined by the quality of its outboard engine. In order for your boat to function properly, it is really important for you to have a really good outboard engine so that the boat functions really well. Now the question that arises is which one should you go for whether it is the alpha 1 gen 1 or gen 2. Well, both alpha one gen 1 lower unit and gen 2 come with certain similarities and dissimilarities. So, you will have to choose your outboard outdrive depending on your exact requirements.


Well, the alpha 1 outdrive comes with the short-lived water pump while for gen 2, the water pump is a long-lasting one. Also, gen 2 comes with a gear lube monitor which is not present in gen 1. The lower edge of gen 1 is soft while that is sharp on gen 2. Gen 1 is cheaper than gen 2. These were some basic points between gen 1 and gen 2. If you think that this is all about the comparison, then let me tell you that no, we are not yet there. So, let's have a look at some of the major differences between alpha gen 1 and gen 2.




If you are looking for one such outdrive that comes with a water pump, then the gen 2 is the most appropriate one for you. Well, both the outdrives come with water pumps. However, if you are looking for a long-lasting water pump for your boat, then the gen 2 is more appropriate for you. You might not be able to distinguish between alpha gen 1 and alpha one gen 2 lower unit simply by looking at them superficially. 




However, if you have a closer look at the features, then you will get to know that gen 2 has a better water pump. So, if you are concerned about the performance of the water pump, then gen 2 is definitely the one for you. Also, if you are looking forward to getting a cheap outdrive for your boat, then the gen 1 is most appropriate for you. It is an affordable option and will provide you with a really good performance. However, if cost is no longer the concern, then it is always a better idea to go for gen 2 as it comes with a lot of enhanced feature.


To know about alpha one gen 2 transom assembly, you may keep in touch with us and we will help you with the details.


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