What are the steps involved in repairing the transom of your boat?

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Looking for a reliable Alpha Gen 2 Transom? Claussmarine.com is a remarkable online website that offers a wide selection of Alpha Gen 2 Transoms at the best prices. This item qualifies for large delivery due to its size and weight. Do visit our site for more info.


Are you are about to repair your boat's transom? Not exactly sure how you are going to get the job done all by yourself? Well, repairing the transform is not at all a difficult task to do, specially if you have the right equipment with you. The various steps have been mentioned below:


Step 1: Dry the boat 


Before you make any kind of preparations to repair the transom, it is very important for you to get the boat out of water and wipe it properly. This is going to provide you with easy access to the transom and the repairing activity can be done easily.




Step 2: Check the damage 


Next you need to check the extent of damage. This is going to help you determine how exactly are you going to get the repairing done. If there is only a small hole, the repairing can be done really easily. However, if the transom is complete rotten, more drastic changes will have to be taken.


Step 3: Remove the damaged transom 


The next job is to remove the transom careful. You can make use of a hammer or a crowbar in order remove transom. You can also go for SEI Trim Cylinder repair for your boat.


Step 4: Remove the damaged area of the transom


The next thing that you require to do is to remove the damaged area. First, mark the damaged parts and then removed them carefully. You can also get a transom repair kit for easy transom repair.




Step 5: Cut the new transom


Once the damaged area has been removed, it is time for you to make replacements for those areas. For that, you will have to cut the new transform. You will have to mark the areas in the new transom that has to be placed in the old transom and cut them accordingly.


Step 6: Add the fiberglass


Once you are done cutting the new transom, it is time to add the fiberglass. This is going to help you in ensuring that the new transom fits the boat perfectly. You can also get Yamaha Complete Lower Units for your boat.


Step 7: Sand the edges 


Now you can make use of a sandpaper in order to sand the edges of the transom. This will ensure that the plywood fits the boat perfectly.




Step 8: Install the new transom


Once the sanding process is over, it is time for you to install the new transom. Once the transom is perfectly place, you can fix it to the boat with adhesive.


So, for stern drive engineering and transom repair, you may get in touch with us and we will provide you the guidelines.



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