5 Technical Problems of Uneven Cooling in Your Home

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Brown Mechanical Services is one of the most renowned companies that offers AC repair West Palm Beach services. It will guide you according to your specific issues.

Most homes have problems with uneven cooling. Some spots are too cold, while others are too hot. Initially, these issues don’t affect anyone, but after a point of time, it can be frustrating. While finding a solution, people conclude that this is a vent issue or a thermostat. Well, uneven cooling has multiple reasons. It can be due to technical issues or some construction issues. Finding the real reason with the help of ac repair west palm beach is necessary. Here are five technical reasons for uneven cooling:

Leaky or poorly insulated ducts

One of the common reasons for uneven cooling is leaky or poorly insulated air. In some areas, air escapes, while some regions have high air pressure. Sometimes, conditioned air leaks before it reaches the vent, which creates hot zones in certain areas of the home. Regular home inspections for leaks in attics or crawler spaces can prevent further damage. It’s important to seal the duct properly to make sure air reaches every room.

Thermostat placement problems

The thermostat plays a major role in maintaining the temperature. Usually, rooms around thermostats cool quickly, which leads to shutting down the system before all the rooms are cooled. Plus, the thermostat placed near the window is exposed to sunlight. Sometimes, it shows false reading.

Thermostat reading may lead to instant cooling in some rooms while others remain untouched. Adjusting thermostat readings accordingly fixes the issues instantly.

Fan speed misalignment

To maintain room temperature, you have to adjust the fan in a way that evenly distributes air. If the fan adjustment is incorrect, then airflow is unevenly distributed. Or in case fan speed leaves the room farthest from the undeserved room, then again uneven cooling. Consult an AC repair Palm Beach technician to set the fan in a way that pushes the right amount of air throughout.

Blocked condenser unit

Place the condenser in an area with no heavy dirt and debris around it. Outside contaminants impact the cooling efficiency. All the clutter, like grass, brushes, or outdoor clutter, restricts the airflow into the condenser. Fix the position of the condenser. A second essential step is to clean the buildup and boost the cooling efficiency for balanced airflow indoors.

About Brown Mechanical Services:

Brown Mechanical Services specializes in 24 hour air conditioning service, maintenance, and installations all over Jupiter and Palm Beach. It can handle everything, starting from routine checkups to ensuring energy-efficient, comfortable indoor environments.

For more information, visit https://brownmechanicalservices.com/

Original Source: https://bit.ly/3Ol8xfx

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