Why is FUE Transplantation An Effective Treatment in Baldness Management?

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Follicular Unit Extraction is an advanced technology to transplant hair follicles for baldness management. Many centers in Gurgaon offer FUE transplantation that helps ensure voluminous hair.

Follicular Unit Extraction is an advanced technology to transplant hair follicles for baldness management. Many centers in Gurgaon offer FUE transplantation that helps ensure voluminous hair. It is a minimally invasive procedure that mimics the original hair and provides natural-looking results, shares hair loss expert, Dr. Niti Gaur at Citrine Clinic, one of the best hair transplant clinic in Gurgaon. She shares that FUE is the best technique for hair restoration. Here are some of the reasons why it is an effective treatment for baldness management.

1. Minimally invasive procedure: Minimal invasive means that it penetrates less to the skin tissue, causing less damage. FUE is a process of relocation of hair follicles from the donor to the balded area. The process involves a small incision on the donor side, particularly at the back side of the head, and extracting the hair follicles. It gives small, dot-like scars covered by the hair.

2. Natural-looking results: FUE is an effective process to manage baldness. It gives natural-looking results and enhances the appearance. In this technique, hair follicles are extracted from the donor site and implanted into the balded site with high precision. The surgeon's expertise and post-operative care play a significant role in natural-looking results. It increases the survival rate and prevents hair damage.

3. Long-lasting solution for baldness: FUE is a solution for long-term treatment of baldness. It transplants the hair follicles by harvesting hair follicles and transplanting them to the balded site. Hair follicles are extracted from the area where donor hair availability is maximum. Dr. Niti Gaur, the Best Dermatologist in Gurgaon also added that undergoing a successful FUE treatment and post-operative care increases the survival rate of hair follicles and ensures a long-lasting solution.

FUE hair transplant is a process known for its minimally invasive, natural-looking, and long-lasting results. At Citrine Clinic, Dr. Niti Gaur and her team offer various advanced treatments for hair loss management. Visit her to learn more!

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