Remote Laravel Team Management: Expectations vs. Reality

Explore the realities of managing a remote Laravel team. Learn how to navigate challenges, bridge the gap between expectations and reality.


Hiring a remote Laravel team to meet one's software development requirements has become a strategic approach for businesses. It is ideal for those seeking to leverage external expertise while controlling costs.

Laravel, a widely recognized PHP framework, is often chosen for its robustness, elegance, and simplicity in web application development. Outsourcing Laravel development has emerged as a popular option for companies wanting to scale their operations, enhance productivity, and achieve business goals without the overheads associated with in-house teams.

The common perception surrounding outsourcing often includes cost savings, access to specialized knowledge, and enhanced productivity. However, as with many business strategies, the expectations set during the outsourcing process often differ from reality. Delve into the intricacies of trusting a remote Laravel team.

This article explains what is the expectation versus reality of remote laravel team management and  how to bridge the gap to ensure success.

Why do Businesses Outsource?

Before diving into the expectations versus realities, it's essential to understand why businesses are increasingly outsourcing Laravel development. Some of the common reasons why businesses opt for remote development solutions include lower cost and high-performing applications.

Acquaint Softtech is a software development outsourcing company that provides a wide range of services that businesses can take advantage of. This includes providing top-notch applications cost-effectively.

Here are some of the key reasons:

  • Cost-Effectiveness: When you outsource you hire remote developers and gain access to a highly talented pool of resources. This is often at a fraction of the cost of hiring in-house developers, especially in regions with high living costs.
  • Access to Expertise: Outsourcing provides businesses with the opportunity to tap into specialized skills and experience that may not be available locally. Laravel developers in outsourcing firms are often highly skilled, having worked on numerous projects across various industries. For example, you can hire Laravel developers from Acquaint Softtech. They are highly skilled and have access to all the necessary resources. In fact, we are also an official Laravel partner.
  • Focus on Core Business: By outsourcing development tasks, companies can focus on their core competencies, such as marketing, sales, and product development, leaving the technical details to the experts.
  • Scalability: Outsourcing offers the flexibility to scale the development team up or down based on project requirements, ensuring that resources are optimally utilized.
  • Faster Time-to-Market: With an outsourced team, businesses can accelerate development timelines, bringing products to market faster and gaining a competitive edge.
  • Simplifies Maintenance Tasks: Laravel applications are robust, secure and scalable if built well. However, all applications tend to require security updates, new features and tweaks. By partnering with a Laravel development company, businesses can eliminate future issues with their software.

Few statistics and facts to support this:

  • 76.4% of the Live websites use PHP (W3Techs Survey).
  • Laravel has 71,903+ GitHub Repository Stars.
  • Over 757,533 websites use Laravel for their backend.
  • 38% of businesses outsource because it is easier to scale and time-saving. 33% chose remote development because it increases productivity. Approximately 30% outsource because it provides cost savings, access to advanced technologies and a fresh perspective.

Expectations vs. Reality Of Remote Laravel Team Management

While the benefits of outsourcing Laravel development are numerous, the journey is not always as smooth as anticipated. Let's explore the common expectations businesses have and the realities they often encounter.

Seamless Communication : Expectation 1

  • Expectation: One of the primary expectations when outsourcing is that communication will be seamless. With modern communication tools like Slack, Zoom, and email, businesses expect to maintain continuous and clear communication with their outsourced team, ensuring that everyone is on the same page.
  • Reality: Communication can be challenging, especially when working across different time zones, languages, and cultures. Misunderstandings can arise due to differences in communication styles or technical jargon. Moreover, the lack of face-to-face interaction can sometimes lead to misinterpretations of project requirements or priorities. It is not uncommon for outsourced teams to miss deadlines or deliver incomplete tasks due to communication gaps.

Complete Control Over the Project : Expectation 2

  • Expectation: Many businesses expect to maintain complete control over the project, even when outsourcing. This includes having the final say in design, development, and deployment decisions, as well as expecting the outsourced team to follow the company's internal processes and standards.
  • Reality: Outsourcing inherently involves relinquishing some level of control. The outsourced team operates independently, often using their own processes, tools, and workflows. While businesses can provide guidelines and expectations, the level of control is limited. Additionally, differences in work culture and practices can lead to deviations from the expected outcomes.

Quick Onboarding and Immediate Productivity : Expectation 3

  • Expectation: Businesses often expect the outsourced team to hit the ground running, with minimal onboarding time required. The expectation is that the team will quickly understand the project requirements, integrate with the existing team, and start delivering results almost immediately.
  • Reality: Onboarding an outsourced team can take longer than expected. The team needs time to familiarize themselves with the project's intricacies, the company's processes, and any existing codebase or documentation. Additionally, if there are gaps in the project brief or unclear requirements, it can further delay productivity.

Cost Savings Across the Board : Expectation 4

  • Expectation: One of the most significant expectations of outsourcing is cost savings. Businesses anticipate that outsourcing Laravel development will reduce overhead costs associated with hiring, training, and maintaining an in-house team and save on infrastructure and software expenses.
  • Reality: While outsourcing can indeed be cost-effective, it is not always as inexpensive as expected. Hidden costs can arise, such as the cost of communication tools, project management software, or additional revisions due to misunderstandings or errors. Moreover, if the outsourced team is not as efficient or skilled as anticipated, it can lead to delays and additional costs to rectify issues.

High-Quality Deliverables : Expectation 5

  • Expectation: Businesses expect the outsourced team to deliver high-quality work that meets or exceeds their standards. This includes clean code, adherence to best practices, and a final product that is free of bugs and performs well.
  • Reality: The quality of deliverables can vary significantly depending on the outsourcing partner. While some teams deliver exceptional work, others may cut corners, leading to subpar code, bugs, or a product that does not meet the business's expectations. The lack of direct oversight can also contribute to quality issues.

Adherence to Timelines : Expectation 6

Expectation: Meeting deadlines is a critical expectation when outsourcing Laravel development. Businesses expect the outsourced team to adhere to the agreed-upon timelines, ensuring that the project is delivered on time and within the set milestones.

Reality: Timelines can be challenging to maintain, especially when unforeseen issues arise. Delays in communication, unexpected technical challenges, or changes in project scope can all contribute to missed deadlines. In some cases, the outsourced team may overpromise on timelines to secure the project, only to underdeliver later.

Full Compliance with Security Standards : Expectation 7

  • Expectation: When outsourcing Laravel development, especially for projects involving sensitive data, businesses expect the outsourced team to comply with security standards and best practices fully. This includes data protection, secure coding practices, and adherence to regulatory requirements.
  • Reality: Security compliance can be a significant challenge when outsourcing, mainly if the outsourced team operates in a region with different regulatory standards or less stringent security practices. If proper security measures are not in place, there is also the risk of data breaches or intellectual property theft.

Access to Expertise : Expectations 8

  • Expectation: Outsourcing is expected to provide access to a pool of skilled developers with specialized knowledge in Laravel, ensuring high-quality outcomes.
  • Reality: It is not safe to assume that all firms offer the full range of Laravel development services, with the necessary resources and are experts in Laravel. The firm might also not have developers with skills in advanced technologies. However, if you hire Laravel developers from Acquaint Softtech, you would be right to expect developers with a high level of expertise and ones with specialized skills.

Here is a fitting quote:

“It doesn't matter what you expected, but you must accept what reality offers to you at the end.” ― Mwanandeke Kindembo

Bridging the Gap

To bridge the gap between expectations and reality, businesses should:

  • Establish clear communication channels and regular updates to mitigate communication challenges.
  • Implement stringent quality control measures and regular code reviews.
  • Have transparent discussions about all potential costs to avoid surprises.
  • Ensure that the outsourced team fully understands the business goals and project objectives.
  • Develop an exit strategy to reduce dependency on the outsourced team for future updates or changes.

What Is the Cost To Hire Remote Developers?

One of the main reasons for outsourcing is cost reduction. It’s expected that the cost of hiring a remote Laravel team will be significantly lower than maintaining an in-house team. While the hourly rates may be lower, hidden costs such as management overheads, communication tools, and the need for more rigorous quality assurance can add up. It's essential to budget for these potential extra costs.

Instead of having to deal with the reality of hidden costs and overheads, businesses are better off trusting the experts. Acquaint Softtech is a highly experienced firm that provides outsourcing and IT staff augmentation services.

The cost to outsource Laravel development can vary widely depending on several factors:

Geographical Location

  • North America (USA, Canada): $50 - $150 per hour
  • Western Europe (UK, Germany, France): $40 - $120 per hour
  • Eastern Europe (Poland, Ukraine, Romania): $25 - $70 per hour
  • Asia (India, Philippines, Vietnam): $15 - $50 per hour
  • Latin America (Brazil, Argentina): $30 - $70 per hour
  • Africa (Nigeria, Kenya): $20 - $60 per hour

Experience Level

  • Junior Developers: $15 - $50 per hour
  • Mid-Level Developers: $30 - $80 per hour
  • Senior Developers: $50 - $150+ per hour

Project Scope and Complexity

  • Small Projects (e.g., simple websites, minor updates): $1,000 - $5,000
  • Medium Projects (e.g., custom web applications, API integrations): $5,000 - $25,000
  • Large Projects (e.g., complex enterprise applications, multi-module systems): $25,000 - $100,000+

Other Factors

  • Project Duration: Longer projects may offer discounts, while shorter or urgent projects might incur higher costs.
  • Project Management and Overheads: If you require significant project management or additional services like design, testing, or maintenance, these can add to the overall cost.
  • Currency Exchange Rates: For international outsourcing, fluctuations in exchange rates can affect the total cost.

Budget Considerations

  • Fixed-Price Contracts: Useful for clearly defined projects with fixed scope.
  • Hourly Contracts: Better for projects where the scope may change or is not entirely defined.

To get an accurate estimate, provide detailed project specifications and the expert consultants at Acquaint Softtech will reply promptly with a quote. We offer free consultations and quotes to help you better understand the potential costs involved.


Outsource Laravel development to a Remote Laravel Team, it can be highly beneficial, but it requires careful management of expectations and realities. Understanding the potential gaps and preparing for them in advance can lead to a more successful partnership and better project outcomes.

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