Speech Therapist & Audiologist Gaur City, Noida Extension)

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The Speech therapy classes vary from case to case depending on the kind of disorder & origin of disorder & also the age of the patient.

Speech and auditory development may be hampered by a number of diseases, including cerebral palsy, autism, hearing loss, and normal growth and development delays  speech therapist in noida. The most revolutionary treatments for individuals with communicating, eating, drinking, or swallowing issues in newborns, children, and adults are speech and audio therapy, followed by support and palliation. Some kids struggle with hand and facial motions, and they can't even speak in a way that is understandable.

Every case we take on is a challenge that we successfully address. Our group of advisors and specialists is sufficiently skilled and dedicated to handle any kind of speech and hearing impairment, particularly stuttering or stammering. A lot of therapists use audio-visual recording devices to help with this comprehension.

A therapeutic strategy called speech therapy aims to enhance audio and speech abilities and skills. Talking, using sign language, and using a communication assistance are all included. These treatments may be provided in several settings, such as a person's home, a rehab facility, a school, a clinic, or an individual's office. Individual treatment is required for patients with complicated speech disorders, such as aphasia. The majority of kids with severe communication difficulties need one-on-one therapy.

People who have children with auditory processing disorders have trouble paying attention, comprehending, and remembering information. Patients often present with a range of issues related to comprehending and listening.

Complete treatment plans may be created in accordance with the diagnosis of the ailment. In order to thoroughly evaluate and comprehend the issue that the kids are exhibiting, we provide a comprehensive interdisciplinary approach. Academic challenges may be handled by an educational diagnostician, cognitive functioning by a psychiatrist, written and speaking ability by a speech-language pathologist, and so on.

House Call

Professionals with training who make home visits are employed by Prerna Speech and Hearing Rehab. Hassle-free, skilled homecare speech therapists are ready to deliver thorough, convenient sessions at your door for both adults and children seeking holistic rehabilitation in a pleasant setting.

Anytime, Anywhere

At your doorstep; no leaving your house; no going to any clinics, hospitals, or other facilities.

when it's most convenient for you.
appropriate supervision of home modifications or adjustments for treatment.
appropriate and thorough parent counseling with reference to the treatment plan and activities.

Plan in detail for speech and language treatment.
Share the case's progress update from time to time.
Select your bundle.

Frequent six-day speech therapy sessions every week.
Frequent five-day speech therapy sessions every week.
Frequent Four-Day Speech Therapy Each Week
Frequent three-day speech therapy sessions every week
Frequent Speech Therapy Twice a Week

Therapy Services at the Prerna Speech and Hearing Rehab Clinic

The Following Conditions Must Be Met
A skilled speech therapist
A cooperative patient
Good Communication between the Two Superb Therapy Instruments
Desire to learn Good results Pleasant therapeutic setting
When all of these components are present, one may anticipate A+ Services for Speech Therapy

Benefits of Speech Therapy

greatest advantages of speech therapygreatest advantages of speech therapy
For certain language impairments, such as delayed speech, misarticulation, stammering, and voice issues with functional origins, speech therapy may be very beneficial.

For conditions with a neurological etiology, speech therapy may have limited or variable results.

Since speech therapy has no negative side effects, it is generally beneficial. In this therapy, no medications are given. Speech therapy is an external treatment that depends only on the psychology of the patient, thus it is likely to be very beneficial if the patient and their family are sufficiently motivated and devoted.

Because the therapy is time-consuming and drawn out, people and families often lack the patience to see it through to the end and discontinue it in the middle. In such cases, the advantages may be minimal.

Therapists often chart the course; the patient must walk it on their own. However, receiving the right counsel is crucial to achieving the intended results and advantages. Noida Extension also offers speech treatment along with all of its finest offerings.

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