The Mystical Teachings of Jesus: Discover the Hidden Meaning in His Words

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In the Mystical Teachings of Jesus, Discover the Hidden Meaning in His Words, Joanna mask uncovers the hidden spiritual messages in some of Jesus Christ's most famous sayings. The book is a must-read for anyone interested in uncovering the mystical truths behind Christianity.


The book is divided into four sections, each of which focuses on a different aspect of Jesus's teachings. In the first section, "The Nature of Reality," Mask explores the metaphysical underpinnings of Jesus's teachings. In the second section, "The Journey of the Soul," she delves into the hidden spiritual meaning of the parables. In the third section, "The Path of Love," she explores the mystical teachings on love and relationships. And in the fourth and final section, "The Way of Transformation," she looks at the practical applications of Jesus's teachings in our everyday lives.

Who was Jesus?

There are many debates surrounding the figure of Jesus Christ. Was he a real person? A myth? The son of God? A revolutionary? Each person who has ever studied the life of Jesus, or read his words, has their own opinion on who he was, and what he meant to the world.

In this section, we will explore some of the different theories about who Jesus was, and what his mystical teachings could mean.


Some people believe that Jesus was simply a great moral teacher, and that his teachings were meant to help us live better lives. Others believe that Jesus was the son of God, sent to Earth to save humanity from sin. And still others believe that Jesus was a political figure, a revolutionary who was crucified because he was a threat to the status quo.

 Regardless of what you believe about Jesus, there is no denying that his words have had a profound impact on the world. For centuries, people have been inspired by his message of love, forgiveness, and compassion.

So who was Jesus, really? Was he a man, a god, or something in between? That is for you to decide.

Why are his teachings so important?


Jesus taught love, compassion, and forgiveness. He also taught about patience, kindness, and faith. His teachings are important because they can help us to live better lives. If we follow his teachings, we can become better people and make the world a better place.

Jesus’ teachings are important because they can help us to become better people. If we follow his teachings, we can learn to love and forgive. We can also learn to be more patient and kind. By following his teachings, we can make the world a better place.

Jesus’ teachings are important because they can help us to live better lives. If we follow his teachings, we can learn to love and forgive. We can also learn to be more patient and kind. By following his teachings, we can make the world a better place.

What are the mystical teachings of Jesus?


When Jesus spoke, He often did so in riddles and parables. His words were not always easy to understand, and His disciples often had to ask Him to explain what He meant. But beneath the surface of His words, there was always a deeper meaning.

The mystical teachings of Jesus can be found in His parables and sayings. They deal with the spiritual aspects of life, and offer profound insights into the nature of God and the human soul. They offer a glimpse into a world beyond the physical, and offer guidance on how to live a life that is in harmony with God's will.

Some of the mystical teachings of Jesus include:


- The Parable of the Sower: This parable teaches about the need to have a pure heart if we want to receive God's blessings.

- The Parable of the Good Samaritan: This parable teaches us that we should love our neighbor, regardless of who they are.

- The Parable of the Prodigal Son: This parable teaches us about the forgiveness of God, and His willingness to take us back no matter how far we have strayed.

- The Beatitudes: These teachings show us the qualities that God values, and that we should strive to develop in our own lives.

- The Lord's Prayer: This prayer is a model for how we should pray, and it shows us the things that are important to God.

The mystical teachings of Jesus can be found throughout His words. They offer us a glimpse into the spiritual realm, and offer guidance on how to live a life that is pleasing to God. By studying these teachings, we can begin to understand the mysteries of life, and can find true peace and happiness.

What is the meaning behind his words?

The meaning behind the words of Jesus Christ can be found by looking at the historical context in which they were spoken. It is also important to understand the culture and customs of the time. By doing this, we can see that Jesus was not just a man who said things that sounded good, but he was a man who had a great deal of knowledge and wisdom.

When Jesus spoke about the kingdom of God, he was speaking about a spiritual reality that is beyond the physical world. The kingdom of God is a place where there is no sickness, no pain, and no death. It is a place of perfect love and peace. In this kingdom, God is the ruler and everyone is equal.

When Jesus spoke about being born again, he was speaking about a spiritual rebirth. This is not something that happens physically, but it is something that happens within a person. It is a change of heart and mind that leads to a new way of life.

When Jesus spoke about the end times, he was speaking about a time when all things will be made new. This includes the earth and the heavens. At this time, God will come and judge the world. Those who have chosen to follow Jesus will be with him in the new creation.

The words of Jesus are full of meaning and wisdom. By understanding the historical context and culture of his time, we can see that his words are still relevant today.

How can these teachings help us in our lives?

These teachings can help us in our lives by giving us a different perspective on life. They can help us to see the world in a different way and to understand the true meaning of life. By understanding these things, we can live our lives in a more meaningful way.

mystical teachings of Jesus and their hidden meanings


Jesus was a master teacher. In his short time on earth, he taught his followers many things – some simple, some complex. And while his message was always clear, there were always deeper levels of meaning hidden within his words.


Here are 7 of Jesus' mystical teachings and the hidden meanings behind them:

  1. "Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you."

On the surface, this seems like a simple teaching of forgiveness and compassion. But on a deeper level, it's about understanding that everyone is connected. We are all part of the same human family, and when we harm another, we're really harming ourselves.

  1. "The kingdom of God is within you."

This teaching goes against everything the world tells us. We're taught that happiness and success come from what we have and what we achieve. But Jesus says that true happiness comes from within. It comes from our relationship with God.

  1. "I am the light of the world."

This statement is a claim of divinity. Jesus is saying that he is the very Presence of God in the world. But it's also a call to each of us to remember our own divine nature. We, too, are the light of the world.

  1. "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth."

In a world that values power and strength, this teaching goes against the grain. Jesus is saying that true power comes from humility and gentleness. It's not about force or domination.

  1. "Judge not, that ye be not judged."

This is a call to non-judgment, which is the practice of accepting people exactly as they are. It's about letting go of our need to control and fix others, and instead, simply loving them.

  1. "As ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me."

This teaching reminds us that we are all connected, and that when we help another, we are really helping ourselves.

  1. "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me."

This is a powerful reminder that we are all connected, and that our actions have an impact on others, whether we realize it or not.

What Is the awakening Mind?

Awakening Mind—About us and our spiritual community: We have been brought together by a devotion to awakening that we feel in our hearts. The direct experience of inner peace and connection with the Spirit is our purpose.


David Hoffmeister’s Foundation for the Awakening Mind is about Awakening to the truth of who we are. It is a collaborative venture of undoing the ego and learning to live a life that is truly inspired by A Course in Miracles. Every moment is a gift; an invitation to extend the Love that we are, and to forgive what is blocking the awareness of our true Identity.

Spiritual community has nothing to do with specificity in form; it isn’t about including or recruiting people, or growing and expanding. It is a ministry in mind—a state of mind of total peace, Love, and constant happiness. That is what Awakening Mind extends and shares.

A Course in Miracles defines Awakening as the end of the dream of separation, conflict, fear, pain, and death, and the experience of the reality of the joy, peace and the Love of God. The meaning of Awakening therefore is experiential and not fully describable in words. Awakening occurs when the mind is willing and ready. The last step in Awakening is taken by God. Thus Awakening cannot be planned; it can only be a spontaneous occurrence.

Just as our dreams cannot be relied upon to tell us of our waking state, we cannot understand what lies beyond spiritual Awakening from within the dream. What we can talk about is spiritual Awakening symptoms or signs. These are the miracles of forgiveness, which are the focus of the training of A Course in Miracles. This training is therefore not on how to awaken your psychic abilities but rather on seeing reflections of truth within the dream. These are the moments where you learn experientially that there is no separation between you and your brother. The ego will attempt to twist and turn these experiences into specialness, fragmenting love into specifics. Centering prayer on inner Awakening focuses on the practice of forgiveness so errors of differences and specialness can be replaced by the experience of oneness in the holy instant, for God has only one Son.

Living A Course in Miracles in spiritual community, as all symbols, can be allowed to be used in the most helpful way for the whole. Awakening is not individual or personal; Awakening is of the whole, of the one mind waking up, getting in touch with everything it believes so it can be released. In order for us to accept the truth of who we are, and receive the gift that God wants us to have and be—true happiness—we have to allow the flow of Spirit to wash us of everything that is not Love.


The Practical Application of A Course in Miracles

David Hoffmeister is a mystic and a living demonstration that peace of mind is possible, because it is the Will of God. David’s gentle demeanour and articulate, non-compromising expression are a gift to all and an example of how to live in simple surrender to Spirit. David is world-renowned for his practical application of A Course in Miracles and his clarity about the function of forgiveness in spiritual Awakening as well as his radical use of mindful movie-watching in the release of judgement and fear is unique, individual, and unsurpassed. The purity of the message he shares points directly to the Source—God—and to a consistently peaceful state of mind.

Since the early 1990s, students of non-duality and A Course in Miracles have felt drawn to David Hoffmeister for his profound love and devotion to truth. Over the many years since David began his travelling ministry, a community has organically grown around him consisting of those who wished to follow his example of pure devotion to God and selfless Love. This devoted community has come to be known as the Awakening Mind and Living Miracles communities, and comprises a thriving global internet ministry with physical centres in Utah, Australia, Europe, and Mexico, including the first A Course in Miracles-based monastery in the world. Enjoy the many links and resources available to support you in your study of A Course in Miracles, your journey to spiritual Awakening, and the experience of lasting peace. David Hoffmeister and Awakening Mind welcome you to join our family of light!


The Foundation for the Awakening Mind

Awakening Mind is a foundation dedicated to Enlightenment. Forgiveness dissolves illusion and restores a state of mind that delights in experiencing the present moment! We welcome you to join our large global mailing list for inspirational messages and information about gatherings. David Hoffmeister radiates the experience that can be reached through single-minded devotion to forgiveness. “Seek and ye shall find” and “Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free” are statements of destiny. All of the streams and rivers of consciousness must eventually arrive at the ocean of Self in God!

David Hoffmeister and devoted community members live the experience of A Course in Miracles, having discovered it to be a clear, direct path to God.

The time for words and concepts is almost over. Now we seek direct experience. We gladly lay aside techniques, repetitions, and rituals, so that we may come to experience the still reality within. We claim the peace, happiness, and Love that is our inheritance, and we come with empty hands and open arms to receive and give the blessed miracles given us to share. As we look around, we see that mighty companions have gathered beside us for this joyous ascent. A friend’s a friend forever in the Spirit of Love. The welcome never ends, for those who walk this way see their brothers and sisters as themselves. The holy relationship has at last come into awareness, blessing everyone and everything. The blanket of peace has spread across the face of the earth. Tranquillity and grace are accepted! Prayer is the medium of staying in connection, in communion, and we pray unceasingly. If you wish to contact us we would love to hear from you! The Foundation for the Awakening Mind is supported through donations and Love offerings. When Enlightenment is deeply desired, the means are always provided.


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