Oriental Naginata War Blade Sword

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Oriental Naginata War Blade Sword

The swords of ancient Japanese warriors were used for both battle and as symbols of their family lineage. The blades ranged in length from 24 to 40 inches, and they were made of combinations of many different types of steel.


Naginata is a Japanese weapon, which consists of a very long pole with a curved blade on one end. It was traditionally used by foot soldiers to defend themselves against cavalry charges. It is also considered a feminine art and is primarily practiced by women, common during the feudal period for training females in sword fighting skills that could be used while carrying children or household goods.


This type of sword, like other swords, is made for battle. It is great for hunting and self-defense.


Because it is meant to be used for battle, this weapon is indestructible. Even if it gets bent or broken, it can be easily repaired and used again. This saves you money because you won't have to constantly buy new weapons every time they break.

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