ACT Sample Essay

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Reading an ACT sample essay can help students get an idea of what is expected in an ACT essay.

Reading an ACT sample essay can help students get an idea of what is expected in an ACT essay. Apart from this, it can be a confidence builder. If the student is not prepared well in advance, and read the essay prompt and finds he/she is totally unfamiliar to respond to the prompt, essay written by him/her will be a disaster. Therefore, getting ready by studying the structure of the ACT, the importance of the writing test, type of the essay prompts given for ACT essays and how to respond to them are very useful in getting a high score in the ACT.

Study the ACT Essay Prompts from the "algebra homework" company and learn how to respond

Some students think that SAT essays and ACT essays are same. It is true that SAT and ACT are competitors and have similar purpose and structure. But there are some basic differences in the way the writing tests are structured. To begin with in ACT, writing test is optional whereas in SAT, writing is one of the four compulsory sections. The types of essay prompts are different. Therefore studying a Sample SAT essay is not as useful as studying an ACT essay. Studying ACT sample essays and ACT essay prompts will give a good knowledge and confidence to students appearing for the ACT.

Learn How the ACT Essay is scored

An ACT sample essay sample with a score it might receive and the comments on correct and wrong things done in the essay can be very useful for any student preparing for ACT. Knowing how the students’ responses are scored in a test, help the students form their answers to the questions in the way expected by the examiners. Therefore learning how the ACT essays are scored is a must, during the preparation phase.

ACT Essay or ACT writing test is optional and the score does not affect the composite score for ACT or any subject score. But if students take Optional writing test, two additional scores, writing sub score and combined English/writing score are given. Essay will be graded by two readers in a 1 to 6 scale and the two scores are added to give a score on a 2 to 12 scale. Combined English/writing score in a 1-36 scale is arrived at by combining the results of English and writing tests giving one third weightage to writing and two thirds weightage to English tests.

Some Act Essay Tips

Reading tips on essay writing alone will not be of any help. Writing some practice essays using the tips will help to master essay writing. Follow these simple tips for ACT essay writing.

  • Study and understand the topic
  • Reflect on the topic and formulate a clear thesis
  • Be specific, qualify and explain your evidences
  • Do not loose focus on the thesis
  • Provide arguments against what others might say on the topic.
  • Write sentences of different type, structure and length
  • Write a strong conclusion reasserting your position

Sample Essays can help Score high at ACT

Studying sample essays from the "programming homework help" website can immensely help you to get high scores. Get an ACT sample essay and study it to get ideas on how to write a good ACT essay. A good essay writing company will provide students, excellent sample essays with comments.

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