Nhung dieu can kieng ky trong ngay dau nam moi

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10 điều kiêng kỵ trong ngày Tết

Abstain from sweeping the house on Tet holiday

According to the old concept, at the beginning of the new year, you should not clean the house, because cleaning the house is to sweep away fortune. Moreover, on the first day of the new year, everyone has already cleaned the house, so there is no need to clean the house on the first day of the new year.

Do not give fire and water at the beginning of the year 

According to feng shui, fire is a symbol of auspicious omens, while water symbolizes the steady flow of fortune into the family. If you offer fire and water at the beginning of the new year, it means that you will bring good luck to yourself and your family. So in the first days of the year, you should not ask to borrow a lighter or give it to someone in your country. 

People in mourning abstain from going to New Year's greetings

The Lunar New Year is a happy day for all families, so those who are mourning can store their mourning towels within 3 days. On the first day of the year, it is not allowed to go to wish New Year and break into other people's houses because according to ancient beliefs, mourning family members going to wish Tet will cause the owner to have bad luck for the whole year. When someone dies on the first day of the New Year, the family must not rush to mourn, must wait until the morning of the second day of the New Year to receive the funeral.

Abstain from dumping garbage on Tet holiday

This is a fairly old custom, dating back to a Chinese legend about a merchant who was given a maidservant by the water god named Nhu Nguyet. Since having Nhu Nguyet, his family has become prosperous. One year, on New Year's Day, Nhu Nguyet made a mistake and was severely beaten by her boss. Pity, she turned into a pile of trash by the door. The businessman didn't know, so he sent someone to take out the trash. From then on, he became poor.

This is why it is believed that the first day of the new year should not be dumped. If you take out the trash on this day, your fortune will disappear and you will face many difficulties.

Abstain from saying unlucky things

Vietnamese people often have a saying "typhoons all year", which means that bad luck on the first day of spring will affect the whole year. So these days, you should also pay attention to your own words, only speak well, use beautiful, avoid saying bad things that not only bring bad luck to yourself but also affect those around you. 

Abstain from touching cutlery

Cutlery is a murderous item, so you should avoid touching them on New Year's Day. On the 1st, avoid using sharp objects such as knives and scissors because these objects have murderous intent that will destroy the love, blessings and longevity of loved ones. To fix it, families should put away cutlery and leave only the necessary things. And hang a mirror to neutralize evil spirits, or stick a charm to keep evil spirits from entering the house.

See details:  https://quavangphctuong.com/10-dieu-kieng-ky-trong-ngay-tet-de-co-mot-nam-tai-loc-may-man/

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