One of WoW’s most necessary quality-of-life talent changes is finally coming in Patch 10.2

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One of WoW’s most necessary quality-of-life talent changes is finally coming in Patch 10.2

Since the start of Dragonflight, one of the biggest inconveniences that WoW WoW Classic Gold players have encountered has revolved around talent trees.

Every time you change your talents in WoW, all of the connecting talents above it in the tree get reset, and you’re forced to reinvent your build and click every spell from scratch all over again. In Patch 10.2, though, this inconvenient feature is being done away with as branching talents will no longer be affected when you change your build. 

Throughout the entirety of the current WoW expansion, respeccing your talents has been a chore, especially if you’re not using a pre-set or saved build. While it’s easy to switch your builds after they’re pre-saved, the ability to experiment and switch out individual talents has been a bit of a headache, considering you have to go down the line and recalibrate all of your individual talent points after taking away a single point near the top of the tree. 

Thankfully, in Patch 10.2, that headache can finally be forgotten. Instead of seeing all of your talents get wiped off the board when deselecting a talent toward the top of the tree, they’ll simply go dormant as a red shader will appear over them until you place that talent point elsewhere. 

This change makes removing individual talent points so much easier and should honestly eliminate the need to have many pre-saved builds where just one talent is different, but the rest of the build is a carbon copy of another talent loadout. Switching between single-target and multi-target builds should also become easier. If you play a class that only needs to switch out a few talents in between AoE and single-target fights, you’ll be able to do so effectively on the fly. 

This feature is currently testable on the WoW Patch 10.2 PTR and will go live WOW Classic WotLK Gold when the patch is released later this year.

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