Y nghia bo tam hop Than Ty Thin trong phong thuy

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Thin belongs to the element Tho, Than belongs to the element Kim, and the Rat belongs to the element Thuy . The animals in this relationship have similar aspects, live in harmony, share the same will. People with this sign often develop into relatives and friends who help and support each

What is the Than Ty Thin trio?

The quintessential trio belongs to the fighting group. They are action-oriented, have a high fighting spirit, are positive and decisive. 

The quintessential trio consists of people of the following age groups: 

  • Age of the Rat: 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020…
  • Relative age: 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016...
  • Age: 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012…

Personality characteristics of the trio of bodies 

The advantages of the trio of body and soul

  • People who belong to the trio of friendships do not accept mediocrity, they always have the will to rise up in life and achieve extremely brilliant achievements.   
  •  They are not afraid to change their living space. And certainly they are not afraid to change the working environment. 
  •   They are people with many ideas, always wanting to do great things.

Weaknesses of the quintessential trio 

  • The trio has a lot of ideas but they don't have the perseverance to come to the end. Due to their desire to succeed, they often pass up seemingly small opportunities at first. 
  •  They are not good at flattery or deep calculations. They often say directly what is on their mind. 
  •  The triumvirate usually has high self-esteem, so it is sometimes misunderstood as arrogant and showy. 
  •  The trio of close friends encounters many controversies in their lives. 
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See details:  https://quavangphctuong.com/y-nghia-bo-tam-hop-than-ty-thin-trong-phong-thuy/

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