WOW Gold Classic Farming Guide for WOW Classic 2020

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WOW Gold Classic Farming Guide for WOW Classic 2020

Gold is the standard currency in World of Warcraft Classic. Your WOW Gold Classic is shown at the bottom right of your open backpack window. Gold is usually just referred to as money. WoW Gold Cap: The most money a single character can carry is 9,999,999 gold; the same limit applies to guild banks.

You can use gold to buy items from a vendor or other players, transfer gold to other player characters, bid with gold for an item at the Auction House. Other uses are to buy additional bag slots at the bank or hunters can buy stable slots for their pets from a stable master. Players can obtain classic gold by completing quests, killing monsters, selling items to vendors, via trade or mail from other player characters, or by selling an item at the Auction House. I will list many easy ways to earn gold in wow classic.


Your professions can help you make a killing in WoW Classic. The best way to make gold is gathering professions. If you can find a great spot to farm materials that are in demand you’ll be doing well. Try and focus on the materials people need for potions or cooking. So think about taking on Herbalism or Fishing. Maybe you could find a great spot to farm for Fadeleaf. To keep better track of your professions you can install the Titan Panel addon [Professions] in the Twitch Client.

The cloth is great to sell on the Auction House. Tailoring and First-Aid require a lot of stacks to make anything. Most humanoids in the game world drop them. I’ve received cloth, wool, and silk from humans, trolls, and gnomes so far. It might be a good idea to farm that kind of enemies when they’re at a lower level than you. You don’t want to waste time running back to your corpse, nor do you want to waste money on a massive repair bill.

Ore is always in high demand. Engineers and Blacksmiths both need ore to craft items. If you’re able to farm Ore during your servers quiet hours then this might help you. Most servers are quite early in the morning or late at night. You don’t have to farm all night, I’d just farm for about 30 minutes. Try and figure out a route which works for you and goes with that. If you’re farming in a zone that’s a lower level than you, you might not be stopped as often by enemies. Hopefully, a PvP server will be quieter at this time as well so you won’t be ganked.

Sell Like APro On Auction House

The auction house should be your second home. Sold there mainly between Friday and Sunday green (or better)Loot items and resources, as the weekend most players and potential buyers are on the go.

Bags, buff food, crafting supplies, and crafted armor made from specialty materials are always needed and can be sold well at not too exorbitant prices. Use an auction house add-on like "Auctioneer" to get an overview of popular prices and quickly find out where selling is most worthwhile.

So you get along when other players have set things very cheap compared to the average achievable price. Buy these and put them back into the auction house for a higher price. So you can also try to raise the base price for certain goods such as a particular craft resource and to monopolize the sale.

However, this requires a bit of patience, some capital, and regular visits! Alternatively, you play a twink as a pure banking character on level 5 and let him learn enchanting. Send this twink all the green items that you find in questing and do not need them yourself to disenchant them and put the collected materials into the auction house.


Fishing is often a very neglected skill, as many players are annoyed by the constant "staring at the blinker". But it's worth the while: Once you have reached higher fishing levels, you sell rare fish for a decent fee in the auction house.

For example, Alchemists need these fish:

Nightfin Snapper

Nightfin Soup

Stonescale Oil

Stonescale Eel

From this, they make basic materials. Chefs love to fish and shellfish of all kinds to make buff food. If you want to learn to cook yourself, fish is the cheapest resource - they only cost you time and patience.

On the side, you can fish very well. Here we fish in the wreckage, of which there are resources that you can not collect yourself, some bales of material or herbs.


Farm in your off-time. Farming comes in two forms: reagent farming and mob farming. Reagent farming is generally linked to a profession like Herbalism or Mining, but you can also reagent farm while mob farming as many mobs drop usable reagents regularly. When you have free time or want to do something different, consider farming reagents that can be turned into sellable items.

For reagent farming, all classes are generally equal. However, when we consider mob farming, some classes are far superior compared to others. Mages are likely the best mob farmers as they can farm almost anywhere, including in dungeons. This allows them to more rapidly pick up coin, cloth, reagents, greens, and even blues or epics (purples). Other classes that excel at mob farming are Priests (with Holy Nova), Hunters, Warlocks, Protection Paladins, and Elemental Shaman. Some players have even figured out methods to farm with other classes so always be on the lookout for tips in gold farming guides.

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