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Image Transfers: Custom Dry Transfers & Custom Rub On Decals

There's an increasing demand for custom products in many categories as high-end consumers want special items that aren't mass-produced. As a result, there's been increasing interest in custom dry transfers. They are rub-on decals used for everything from art gallery labels to lettering and logos on one-of-a-kind items. Even though custom and hand-made products have a reputation as being more valuable, some aspects of the manufacturing process are challenging to replicate when working by hand. Painted-on details are one area, and the transfer decals can help.

Custom musical instruments, particularly guitars, have long been in high demand. Some have lettering for switches, connections, logos, and other graphic elements. Since they're made of wood, water-slide decals may not be the best option and will likely not stick on vinyl lettering. Transfer decals work quite well and adhere to the wood surface perfectly. They have a slightly raised look when rubbed on and become permanent when top-coated with lacquer. Some of the industry's highest-end makers use methods like custom dry transfers to achieve the elevated look of custom work.

Some consumable products will benefit from luxurious labels like transfer decals. For example, the wine industry's version of customer products would be the vintner's reserve. A glued-on paper label might fall short of expectations for wine at this level. But when the label is a transfer decal where each letter or symbol appears as though it is painted on the bottle, suddenly, the packaging takes on an elevated appearance. As more applications like these are discovered, the uses for dry transfer decals increase. Often it takes someone who has used them elsewhere and identifies a perfect new application.

The visual art world is also increasingly fond of rub-on transfers. After decades of using printed caption cards, applying the lettering directly to the wall could look more attractive. The decals make it possible and keep costs down when you produce multiple captions on a single sheet. If exhibits have wall lettering or other kinds, perhaps in a larger size, you can create it with the same method used for the captions. What's so easy about the decals for lettering is that they arrive ready to apply – it's different from the former Letraset when you rub on a single letter at a time and has to align them manually. 

Business Name- Image Transfers

Address- 55 W Railroad Ave #11Garnerville, NY 10923

Phone- (212)-928-7987

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