The Impact of Internet-Based Social Media on Personal Identity, Friendship, Intimacy, Individual Privacy, and Family Lif

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The introduction of Internet-based social media in the twenty-first century completely transformed modes of communication. In contrast to the past, when people used smoke and signs to convey information, the introduction of various modes of communication in recent years has transformed the







The introduction of Internet-based social media in the twenty-first century completely transformed modes of communication. In contrast to the past, when people used smoke and signs to convey information, the introduction of various modes of communication in recent years has transformed the way people share information. According to Thussu (26), the world has shrunk to the size of a village as a result of unprecedented freedom provided by various social media platforms. Furthermore, people have the opportunity to develop social networks and form new relationships while sharing information.



The introduction of brand new Internet-









based social mediums reddit essay writing service has drastically altered the way people communicate in the twenty-first century. According to Castells (24), as a result of the widespread use of the Internet, society has become "increasingly networked." In a much smaller sense, the introduction of new media has bridged the communication gap and increased the network of people (Gates 20). People, for example, no longer have to write letters or fax information, or wait for long periods of time for responses. People no longer need to travel long distances or make endless phone calls to communicate information. Today, the introduction of various social media platforms has made communication completely effortless; all it takes is the click of a button.



There are numerous websites that have transformed communication on the Internet. Among the most popular social media platforms are Facebook, Twitter, Google Chat, 2go, LinkedIn, MySpace, and WhatsApp. Facebook, in particular, has been identified as the most active website with the highest traffic. This is due to its ease of communication, information sharing, and long-term relationship building. Facebook has been linked to both positive and negative effects among its users, in addition to transforming society (Wartman 29, p. 115).



Facebook is without a doubt the most brilliant invention in the world of social media platforms. Facebook is regarded as a community in which people build a network of friends and share a wide range of information. Facebook is considered a "social movement" because of its influence on users; it has significantly changed the way people communicate. Because it is a socialization platform, Facebook has made it simple for people to stay in touch, share updates, upload photos, and perform other tasks. Furthermore, because people are free to share anything, it is regarded as a democratic process, making it an exceptionally interesting forum (Wittkower 2010, p. 215). In this regard, Facebook has made it possible for people to connect via personal computers, laptops, or mobile phones by simply installing the Facebook application.





WhatsApp is another important social media platform that is growing in popularity. Despite being a newcomer to the social media industry, it has quickly gained popularity and worldwide acclaim among its users. Unlike Facebook, WhatsApp can be accessed even without a direct Internet connection. Because it allows communication without the use of the Internet, most of its users have compared it to short message service (SMS). However, in order to view and respond to the messages, the recipient must have an Internet connection. Furthermore, WhatsApp provides the most convenient way for users to share information, videos, images, and pictures, making it a popular tool (Bryfonski 2012).



Google Chat and Google Plus are two other forms of social media that have altered the way people communicate. This is due to the fact that they have provided the best and most efficient means of sharing information. The "hangouts" feature on Google Chat has transformed communication and alleviated the agony of sending emails and waiting for responses. People can now use Google Hangouts to chat, share ideas, pictures, and information for free.



Personal Identity Affects of Internet-Based Social Media






Although most Internet-based social media have significantly improved communication, they have also jeopardized the aspect of personal identity. Among the available social media platforms, Facebook has received the most criticism for allowing people to use "false identities," thereby jeopardizing the genuine purpose of communication. As a result, many researchers have questioned Facebook users' lack of social responsibility. People who post embarrassing content on their Facebook pages are a common occurrence, negatively portraying the principles of Facebook as a company.



Celsi and Wolfinbarger (22, p. 145) agree that Facebook as a social platform has an impact on personal identity as a result of negative online behavior. This is due to the fact that people use social media to defame and slander others, contributing to negative outcomes. Although Facebook has positively transformed communication culture, people have used it to commit cybercrime by creating "fake identities" to avoid being tracked. In this regard, students have been found to violate Facebook's principles by creating pages with "false identities" in order to avoid being tracked. Some college students can create Facebook accounts under fictitious names and use them to commit cybercrime or intimidate their peers.



Students have been expelled from college, denied internships, and admission to independent universities in cases where their false identities have been revealed. According to Magolda and Marcia (2011), the amount of time spent on Facebook should be diverted to more meaningful activities. For example, in college, spending less time on Facebook will result in higher grades. As a result, if social media is not used properly or is abused, it can have a negative impact on a person's identity.





The Impact of Social Media on Friendship, Couples, and Family Relationships



Despite the numerous accomplishments realized as a result of advancements in Internet-based social media platforms, they have had a negative impact on interpersonal relationships. Face-to-face human interaction has been largely replaced by chats and text messages as a result of the ease of communication provided by social media platforms. According to Kappas (2011, p. 150), overreliance on social platforms has reduced interpersonal communication, affecting the development of interpersonal skills. For example, using Facebook, Skype, Twitter, text messages, and e-mail eliminates the need for facial expressions, oral language, gestures, and eye contact, resulting in less expressive communication. True friendship has suffered in this regard as people have reduced the number of times they meet and discuss issues face to face.



Marriages have also been negatively impacted by the effects of social media in the family setting. The use of social media platforms has resulted in the formation of online relationships; these activities can become extremely addictive and have a negative impact on one's active social life. According to Shih (25), communication with friends has also had a negative impact on couples. For example, there are couples who post lewd photos or make suggestive comments on Facebook. This may enrage their partner, who may demand an explanation. Because couples are expected to be open and honest with each other, some have been forced to end their marriages as a result of what happened on Facebook.



According to research, the majority of newly married couples or those in an intimate relationship still secretly flirt with their ex- lovers on Facebook best essay writing service reddit (Valenzuela Park 28). Indeed, each person has a unique password for their account, making it difficult for the other partner to monitor their activities. Because of the ease of communication provided by Facebook, most couples have had numerous squabbles when inquiring about the other person's affairs, updates, or activities on this social platform. As a result, self-control is required to ensure that social media platforms, particularly Facebook, do not ruin relationships or break up couples (Shih 25, p. 45).



Social media platforms have also had a negative impact on family relationships. In the past, families developed a habit of hosting a family gathering at least once a month. These forums were critical for sharing information, finding out where others were, and even forming groups to start projects. Furthermore, family gatherings provided a sense of belonging. However, the introduction of social media has had a negative impact on "family time" because people have discovered more convenient ways to stay in touch. Furthermore, parents have become so preoccupied with their jobs that they only communicate with their children, who are frequently far away, via social media. This scenario has resulted in the breakdown of family values and the eventual disintegration of society. Children who lack mentors and role models are more likely to become social outcasts (Celsi Wolfinbarger 22). As a result, it is critical for family members to use social media platforms in moderation while also making time for togetherness to ensure the family does not become disjointed.



Privacy Consequences of Internet-Based Social Media



Social media platforms have been designed in such a way that people can post whatever they want for others to see. For example, social media platforms like LinkedIn allow users to display their profiles, share photos, and stay up to date on current events. The exposure of sensitive information, on the other hand, has made people vulnerable to cyber attacks and unwanted attention. According to Gates (20), software companies bear the responsibility of protecting their users' privacy from misappropriation. The issue of privacy on social media has presented media owners and users with a number of challenges. Quite often, the user determines the extent to which information is exposed because they have control over how much they share.



As society has become more networked, maintaining privacy on social media platforms and keeping the Internet secure has become a challenge. Although social media platforms such as LinkedIn and Facebook assure users that their information is completely secure, numerous cases of information hacking have been reported (Gates 20). Many people have been forced to close their social media accounts after they were hacked as a result of fraud and cybercrime. As a result, privacy on social media platforms is not guaranteed, and the onus is on the individual.



Social media platforms have clearly transformed modes of communication in a variety of ways. Social media platforms have profoundly altered the way people live, work, communicate, and interact as a result of their use of the Internet. Furthermore, social media platforms have enabled people to form long-lasting relationships and establish vital networks in business and society. Furthermore, social media platforms such as Facebook have been linked to negative aspects such as "false identities," which have had a negative impact on how people use the platform. To summarize, the world is becoming more digital, and social media platforms will continue to play an important role in communication. However, social media platforms should develop policies to protect their users' identities and privacy.











University Students' Behaviour





It is critical for any student to learn how to behave in class. There are also some pointers to help students understand the lectures. Furthermore, a good teacher's attitude toward a student will aid in the learning process.









First and foremost, a student should understand the significance of all subjects paper writing service reddit . A student may believe that he or she will never use knowledge of a particular subject in the future. As a result, he or she does not comprehend why it is necessary to devote time to learning this or that information. Even if a person does not intend to use some information in the future, he or she may require it at any time during a conversation with another person. Furthermore, using the information obtained, a person can shape specific ideas. As a result, any subject can be of assistance to someone.



Although it is difficult to achieve, students should learn to enjoy all subjects. To begin, when a person selects a college or university, they should do so after careful consideration. Obviously, if a person is not good at mathematics, he or she is unlikely to enjoy this subject. Second, if a student realizes that the subjects will be extremely useful in his or her future profession, he or she will be more motivated to learn them.



Students frequently make a mistake by allowing their attitude toward the teacher to influence how they approach the subject. Personal attitudes have no place at university. Teachers are human, and it is natural for them to have opinions or habits that not all students agree with. A student should treat his or her studies as a job; no one quits a well-paying job because they dislike the manager.



Another important step in succeeding in a subject is to maintain a positive attitude while attending classes. It is recommended that a person sleep well in order to be cheered up. If a student is tired, he or she will pay no attention to what the teacher is saying. If a student's thoughts are disrupted, he or she may experience a headache while receiving a large amount of information during a lecture. As a result, the student will forget everything.



Students frequently do not know how to act in class. Certain rules will assist the student in receiving good grades. A student should become accustomed to sitting far away from his or her peers. It is preferable to communicate with them during the break rather than try to discuss something with them during class. To begin with, a student's ability to concentrate will be impaired if he or she engages in conversation with friends. Second, whispering will cause other students to become distracted. Finally, the teacher will not appreciate it if someone interrupts him or her.



To stay focused in class, a student should not use the phone during class. The first thing a student should do before class is turn off the sound. When someone calls out a name, it draws the attention of everyone in the room, including the lecturer. A lecturer may regard such a student as oblivious, ill-mannered, or even disrespectful. As a result, a student's reputation may suffer as a result of the phone ringing, with no way to repair it. It is also not a good idea to check the screen every five minutes to see how much time is left until the lecture is over. It is more ethical to keep the phone in your pocket or bag.



It is a good idea for a student to sit close to the lecturer. As a result, a student will have an easier time absorbing the information. Furthermore, even if a student is not good at a particular subject, if the teacher notices that he or she does not hide far away, the teacher will believe that this student is eager to learn.



A student should always bring everything needed for the class. It is preferable to prepare these items in the evening because a person may forget something in the morning rush. It is preferable to have an extra pen or pencil because if a student needs another pen in the middle of a lecture, he or she will have to ask someone for it, which will distract both that person and the lecturer.



There is some advice that students should follow in order to understand lectures. It is critical for students to learn how to concentrate in class. If a student considers unrequited love, he or she will be unable to digest the material. Furthermore, a student may not recall a single word from the lecture because his or her mind was elsewhere. That is why it is critical to keep all problems and concerns outside of the classroom.



Students should take notes in order to understand lectures. There is no need to jot down every single thing the teacher says. A student should distinguish between which facts he or she can remember and which should be written down. For example, when the teacher discusses the causes of a phenomenon, it is best to make a list of the causes and pay close attention to the explanations for each one.







It is critical to look at the teacher when the teacher explains something in order to better digest the information. It is also important for students not to hold a pen while listening because the brain will be distracted by another activity and the productivity of its work will suffer as a result.



When a student takes notes, it is best to highlight the topic's titles and key ideas. As a result, the notes will be neater and easier to read and understand. Furthermore, emphasizing specific ideas during the lecture will assist the student in carefully considering the information during the lecture.





Certain facts may be misunderstood by students at times. It is best to write questions in order to avoid confusion during the exam. Interrupting the lecturer with questions is clearly unethical, which is why a student may mark problematic facts. Following the lecture, a student may either ask the teacher to clarify the meaning or search the internet for an answer.



It is not enough to pay attention to the lecture and take notes. It is necessary to read the notes again at home. An individual memorizes information in stages. If someone attends the lecture, he or she will only remember certain facts for a few days. However, if the notes are reviewed, a person will remember them for a longer period of time.



Many students are perplexed as to how they can make their teacher like them. Some teachers do not treat all students the same way. Students notice that some of their classmates are teachers' pets, even if they do not all have perfect grades. One way to please the teacher is to smile and be upbeat. Anyone will be pleased to see that his or her students are eager to attend his or her classes. Alternatively, any teacher will be irritated if a student appears to be treating the subject as if it were the death penalty.



A teacher will be pleased if a student completes all tasks reddit essay writing services on time. Otherwise, a teacher may believe that a student does not take the subject seriously because he or she is preoccupied with other matters. Such treatment will not be tolerated.



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A student should inform the teacher that he or she is interested in the subject and is attempting to investigate the matter of the information received. As a result, a student should not be afraid to ask questions. It is also necessary to participate in all debates. Students who participate in class are valued by teachers. If a student has an opinion on a topic, he or she should always share it with others, even if it differs from the opinions of other students. It's great when someone has their own point of view and can back it up with facts.



Teachers are also concerned with what students wear to class. A student dressed in more or less formal attire appears more serious, mature, and intelligent. Following the official dress code also demonstrates the student's respect for the teacher. It is important to remember that wearing a suit will not help if a student distracts other students during class.



To summarize, the effectiveness of attending classes is dependent on a variety of factors. This list begins with how a student approaches the subject. There are also set rules that a student must follow in order to be successful in a subject and develop a perfect reputation. It is also critical for a student to gain the teacher's trust in order to receive assistance in all areas.





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