Skoda Auto founds sustainability advisory board

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Skoda Auto is one of the first companies in the Czech Republic to rely on the expertise of its sustainability advisory board.

With immediate effect, Skoda Auto relies on the support of a sustainability advisory board to implement its ambitious sustainability goals. The five internationally experienced members of the independent body, not bound by instructions, provide new impulses and suggestions for current and future measures in the field of sustainability. In this way, they promote a more varied dialogue on sustainability issues between the automobile manufacturer and its stakeholders. Skoda Auto presented the committee at a round table at the company's headquarters in Mladá Boleslav.

Thomas Schäfer, CEO of Skoda Auto, emphasizes: "I am delighted that Skoda Auto is the first automotive company in the Czech Republic to establish a sustainability advisory board. I am looking forward to working with the top-class committee. I expect that we will receive fresh impulses from outside, enter into an open dialogue with one another and controversially discuss issues. I am convinced that the Sustainability Advisory Board will help us take Skoda Auto to the next level in terms of sustainability. "

Skoda Auto has set up an independent, not bound by instructions, expert committee that will provide advice on implementing planned sustainability measures with the Sustainability Advisory Board. In doing so, the automobile manufacturer emphasizes the importance of sustainability and social responsibility. In addition, the five internationally experienced advisory board members will bring new perspectives, impulses, and approaches to sustainability issues.

A world-class group comprised of worldwide sustainability specialists.

The members of the Advisory Board include Ladislav Miko, the former Deputy Director of the Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety of the European Union. Soňa Klepek Jonášová is also a member of the committee. In addition to an institute for a circular economy, she has also founded hubs and platforms and launched an agency that advises companies on sustainability issues. Another member is Hans Reitz, founder and managing director of the Grameen Creative Lab - an incubator in social business. Reitz also works as an advisor to the Nobel Peace Prize laureate Muhammad Yunus. Jan Bureš also contributes know-how in the areas of investment banking and financial market analysis. Bureš is the chief economist of the Czech investment bank Patria Finance, which was founded in 1994. Finally, Skoda Auto was able to win Sandra Feltham as a further member. She is the founder of the Czech-British CSR consultancy Flagship and President of the Business Leaders Forum, the oldest Czech association for socially responsible companies.

Skoda Auto is one of the first companies in the Czech Republic to have a sustainability advisory board.

Skoda Auto is one of the first companies to have convened a sustainability advisory board and seek advice from an independent team of experts on sustainability issues in the Czech Republic. As part of a roundtable discussion with media representatives yesterday, the company presented the new committee in Mladá Boleslav headquarters. Also, it provided a comprehensive picture of other sustainability activities.

In addition to Maren Gräf, Head of People and Culture, Michael Oeljeklaus, Head of Production and Logistics and Karsten Schnake, Head of Procurement, Michal Kadera, Head of External Relations, and Christian Schrader, Head of Corporate Strategy and Innovation Management, also gave insights into their areas of responsibility.

With its NEXT LEVEL - SKODA STRATEGY 2030, the Czech car manufacturer has once again refined its ambitious sustainability goals. In addition to the 'Green Future' strategy with its three pillars, 'Green Factory,' 'Green Product,' and 'Green Retail,' Skoda Auto, as a Good Corporate Citizen, also makes a total contribution to society through its social commitment. Btw, the latest Skoda Karoq has a new design, enhanced aerodynamics, and environmentally friendly materials.

Skoda achieved important sustainability goals in 2021: for example, the Vrchlabí component plant has been the first SKODA production site globally to be CO2-neutral since the end of 2020. From January 2021, the company started building and operating the most extensive photovoltaic roof system in the Czech Republic at its main plant in Mladá Boleslav. Since October 1st, Skoda Auto has been testing two electric tractor units for in-house transports there. At the same time, the measures for more sustainability for Skoda do not end at the factory gates: The company promotes biodiversity in the vicinity of its factories worldwide with various measures, such as the initiative launched 2007'One car, one tree'. The millionth tree was planted in October 2021. The #Skodahilft project raised more than 100 million crowns for social and health services and the regions around the automobile manufacturer's locations. After the tornado in the Moravia region in June 2021, Skoda employees, social partners KOVO, and the company also collected almost ten million kroner as emergency aid.

Skoda Auto provides information on concrete results and progress in sustainability in its sustainability report every two years. @via Car Division.

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