IGVault Top Ways to Make Gold in WoW TBC Classic

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Fishing is a secondary profession that anyone can pick up. While it is not the most fun profession, Fishing becomes a very important part of the consumable market

How do you get gold in the Burning Crusade Classic? Players always try their best only want to find the best and fastest way to farm WOW TBC Classic Gold . Gold in this gameplay is as crucial as real world money, which can be used to buy almost everything in the game! So, we list some useful tips to help you make money easily in World of Warcraft the Burning Crusade Classic.

Fishing And Cooking

Fishing is a secondary profession that anyone can pick up. While it is not the most fun profession, Fishing becomes a very important part of the consumable market. One of the big feats in TBC is the Fisherman’s Feast, which requires Huge Spotted Feltail. Also, fishing grants access to some of the various foods worth picking up. Healers find the Golden Fish Sticks grant the most healing power food buff, while Skullfish offers the best spell crit food.

If players can farm their own fish, they can turn it into the food they need to avoid paying for the mats. Alternatively, any spare food can go on the auction house to grant extra gold, depending on if the food or the mats sells for the most amount of gold. Overall, it is a fairly consistent way to make gold in TBC all expansion long, depending on AH quantity.


Running dungeons over and over again can also be a fruitful way to secure some gold in TBC Classic. Mainly, you’ll want to be burning through instances with a lot of enemies like the Slave Pens or Shadow Labyrinth, so that you can ensure you’ll get as much passive gold from enemies as possible.

On top of the passive gold that each enemy drops, you’ll be able to pick up some sellable items and gear that can add to your total income per dungeon. Rare boss drops that other players in your groups don’t want to hang on to can be sold for some decent raw gold, while bind-on-equip items can either be sold to vendors or listed on the Auction House for some extra gold.

Auction House

Using the auction house and crafting professions is the absolute best way and EASIEST way to make gold in WoW.

Once you learn and follow the strategies we suggest in our Crafting and Auction House guide, you will be drowning in more gold than you know what to do with.

This is the laziest and just so happens to be the most lucrative of all the sources of gold. Set yourself up with some of our suggested strategies. Do yourself a favor and also set up TradeSkillMaster (TSM) as an addon to help you automate the process too!

Gold is essential in The Burning Crusade Classic - you always need more WoW TBC Gold for consumables, gear, repairs, and e.t.c. Gold farm is very slow in The Burning Crusade Classic, that’s why this service is so popular! Buying WoW TBC Classic gold at https://www.igvault.com/WoW-Classic-TBC-Gold is simple safe!

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