Can I Go For Gynecomastia Surgery If I am Overweight?

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Dr. Mrinalini Sharma, a leading plastic surgeon, has discussed whether one can go for gynecomastia if they are overweight. She has also shed light on factors that determine male breast reduction cost in Delhi. Continue reading for more insights.

Gynecomastia, or male breast reduction, is a surgical procedure that is performed to reduce the shape and size of the enlarged breast. It is performed to address gynecomastia, which is a condition characterized by the development of excessive breast tissue in men. The male breast is primarily made up of fatty and glandular tissues. When balanced, this combination results in a flat, manly chest. However, too much of either type of tissue can cause the chest to resemble male breasts. The condition can affect men of all ages and body types, including overweight and obese males.

In this blog, Dr. Mrinalini Sharma, a leading plastic surgeon, has discussed whether one can go for gynecomastia if they are overweight. She has also shed light on factors that determine male breast reduction cost in Delhi. Continue reading for more insights.

Is it Safe to Undergo Gynecomastia Surgery if One is Overweight?

Yes, one can undergo gynecomastia surgery if they are overweight. Gynecomastia is often caused by hormonal imbalances. While weight loss helps to reduce the appearance of gynecomastia, a surgical procedure could be necessary in some cases. One must note that gynecomastia surgery, also known as male breast reduction surgery, aims to reduce excessive breast tissue and contour the chest to provide a masculine and sleek appearance. The surgery can also include liposuction, which is performed to remove the fatty deposits, and excision techniques to eliminate the glandular tissue.

However, one must consult with a qualified plastic surgeon who specializes in performing gynecomastia surgery. They will assess the patient’s health condition, evaluate their overall health, and make recommendations based on their body type, goals, and medical history.

Note: One must understand that gynecomastia surgery is not a substitute for weight loss or a healthy lifestyle. If one is overweight, the surgeon may advise the patient to lose weight before or after surgery to improve the results and overall well-being.

Question: I am planning to lose weight. Should I Lose Weight Before or After the Surgery?

Many individuals are confused about whether to lose weight before or after the procedure. If one is near their ideal weight before the surgery, the gynecomastia results will look better. Here are the reasons to trim down on weight before the surgery:


  • Better Chest Definition


Gynecomastia surgery combined with liposuction lowers chest fat. Losing weight before surgery allows the surgeon to treat the remaining fat more precisely. Instead of suctioning out excess fat, more time can be spent contouring and shaping the chest during the surgery. As a result, the chest wall becomes leaner and more defined.


  • Better Upper Body Proportions


If one has extra fat in their belly and chest, it is ideal to lose weight before the surgery. If men do not lose weight before gynecomastia surgery, they will look out of proportion. One would definitely want their abdomen to match the new flat chest.


  • Safe Procedure


Being fit is not only good for the overall health of the individual, but it could also mean safe and effective surgery. Healthy patients have a low risk of surgical complications.

Therefore, if one reaches a stable weight, they can undergo gynecomastia surgery and obtain safe results without any complications. There are also a range of factors that determine gynecomastia cost in Delhi. These include the experience of the surgeon, compression garments, post-op care, hospital stay, and many more factors.

To get an estimate of the final cost, visit Aestiva Clinic today! 

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