Ac Repair And Maintenance Services In Dubai | Electrical Repair & Maintenance in Dubai

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Knox Impex home maintenance company in Dubai provide best AC maintenance, Plumbing services, CCTV installation, Electric, Tile fixing, Office, and home interior design services in Dubai

How often you need AC repair and maintenance service for AC Duct cleaning

A fast online search may not provide you much insight into how often you should clean your ducts. Depending on the information source, search results may advise duct cleaning from AC repair and maintenance service as frequently as every few months or as infrequently as once every five years.

Due to the harsh temperature in the UAE and the heaviest reliance on AC for most of the year, Know Impex’s 14 years of experience working AC repair and maintenance services in Dubai have given us the confidence to propose doing duct cleaning every 12 to 18 months. Since people in the Middle East spend most of their time indoors, where air pollution levels can be up to three times higher than outside, duct cleaning is more frequently necessary.

Benefits of Duct cleaning from AC repair and maintenance service

Cleaner air and less dust in the home.

You cannot completely appreciate the advantages of a professional duct clean until you have firsthand knowledge of their impacts. But consider how much time and money you invest in maintaining the cleanliness of your home, frequently without giving any thought to the unseen internal ducts that end up storing leftovers of the airborne contaminants that your AC has removed, including bacteria, fungus, mould, and organic matter like pet hair. When these naturally accumulate over time within your ducting, your air becomes clogged, and you will have to do more effort to maintain surfaces clean.

Reduces The Impact of Allergies.

In addition to the requirement for additional dusting, it is extremely typical for family members to physically react to unclean air by being more allergic or having respiratory problems. AC repair and maintenance service remove many of the most common allergens from your ductwork, which is sometimes referred to in the industry as the "lungs" of your home, if sneezing, coughing, wheezing, or itching become frequent symptoms.

Helps To Eliminate Unpleasant Smells.

Unidentified scents always have a source, and if your ducts are blocked with debris, there's a good probability that bacteria are growing there that your nose can't ignore. Your lingering odours could be brought on by a variety of problems, including bacteria, leaks, and harmless but unwelcome mildew.

A Duct Clean with We Knox Impex Has the Following Benefits:

Deep Cleaning

A fully qualified technician from the AC repair and maintenance service in Dubai should be able to complete one duct unit in one to two hours when utilising professional tools. Your units are equal to the number of thermostats in your house (if you're unclear of how many you have.) Since professional duct cleaning is a specific task intended to maintain the health and hygiene levels of your house, We Will Fix It bases its quotes for work on this thorough process. Watch out for organizations who finish the clean-up quicker, especially if they are heavily discounting their services.

Modern Systems

Knox Impex’s antifungal disinfectant is released into each branch of the AC duct individually by a typical fogging equipment. It makes use of the industry-standard system, which has a 90% boost in vacuum power and a sped-up spin cycle. This eliminates filth in one straightforward, stress-free, and clean method without the need to risk the safety of your ducts by removing them the old-fashioned way.

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