Tummy Tuck To Get A Toned Abdominal Shape

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Tummy-tuck is a fat-reduction treatment.

This surgical procedure targets the fat-deposited abdominal area. Typically, this cosmetic weight reduction method is beneficial for people like many women after pregnancy or childbirth, who are unable to trim belly fat non-invasively.

In this blog, Dr. Shilpi Bhadani- a renowned cosmetic surgeon for tummy tuck surgery in Gurgaon will address- how anyone can get desired toned abdominal shape from a tummy tuck.

Before moving forward with the procedure it is essential to learn about the causes of stubborn stomach fat. So here are these:

  • Pregnancy
  • Childbirth
  • Unhealthy food diet
  • Minimal or no physical activities
  • Medication 
  • Genetics

Belly fat caused by any of the above-mentioned reasons is effectively treated using abdominoplasty.

Abdominoplasty/ Tummy Surgery

It is a surgical procedure of fat tissue removal from the abdominal area. This treatment can be performed by surgery alone or in combination with other abdominal surgical procedures depending upon the candidate's health and desire. For stomach fat reduction, below mentioned vital steps are followed by a cosmetic plastic surgeon:-

  • Examine the candidate’s overall health
  • Mark the abdominal area for fat extraction
  • Induce anesthesia after taking approval from the patient or guardian
  • Make incision
  • Perform liposuction and correct the body organ if required
  • Make self-dissolving stitches and hide them using the art of plastic surgery. 

Depending on the patient's immune system lipo-abdominoplasty takes fewer weeks to show the result. Till then, the candidate is advised to take medication and follow the doctor’s instructions to:

  • Sleep in the upward direction
  • Keep the treated area free from any forceful activity like exercise, gymming, weight lifting, etc.   
  • Stay hydrated and take fiber-rich food
  • If possible quit smoke and alcohol, else for the time being say no to them

Types of Tummy-Tuck

There are three types of tummy tuck surgeries in trend. These are:

  • Full Abdominoplasty

In this procedure, a cesarean section is used to perform the abdominal fat removal procedure. An additional incision is made around the umbilicus. The skin below the navel is removed, and the abdominal muscles are tightened while the skin envelope is simultaneously tightened through skin removal. Additionally, liposuction is commonly performed to enhance abdominal contouring. This procedure effectively eliminates most of the stretch marks present in the abdomen.

  • Mini Abdominoplasty

It is frequently suggested to patients who are in generally good health but are having trouble getting the ideal abdominal appearance with diet and exercise alone. It is beneficial for people with lower abdominal skin laxity.

  • Extended or High Lateral Tension Abdominoplasty

This typically follows a full abdominoplasty and addresses the loose skin that develops in the hips and thighs area after significant weight loss or pregnancy, as well as the excess skin on the sides. In addition to enhancing the abdominal contour, this surgery also improves the shape of the thighs and hips. 

A consultation with an experienced cosmetic surgeon will provide detailed clarity regarding the best procedure. To do so, book a consultation with Dr. Shilpi Bhadani, the best cosmetic surgeon in Gurgaon, at SB Aesthetics.

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