How to Work Through Alcohol Addiction

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A sense of direction and meaning is provided by a sense of purpose. And for humans, this can imply the difference between a healthy quality of life and a poor quality of life.

A sense of direction and meaning is provided by a sense of purpose. And for humans, this can imply the difference between a healthy quality of life and a poor quality of life. And the emotions that may occur as a result of the latter may lead some people to desire to dull those feelings by using drugs or alcohol. And if the misuse of any or both becomes uncontrollable, assistance may be required. Alcohol addiction is characterised by compulsive and potentially hazardous habits of substance abuse, however it is treatable.

Joy Sutton, host of the American Addiction Center's (AAC) new talk show Addiction Talk, spoke with Combat Army Veteran Steven Kuhn.

Steven talks up about his life before and after the military, his purpose-driven life as an Army soldier, how he had to find his new purpose in a post-military living, his fight with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and suicide ideation in this candid and riveting interview.


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Future episodes of Addiction Talk will be available soon, but for now, watch this poignant episode of a guy who overcame his addiction and PTSD to live a purpose-driven life.

There are options available to assist you if you are battling with alcohol or drug abuse. AAC is a national pioneer in addiction treatment, offering care in a comfortable setting under the supervision of competent medical specialists. Please seek help if you are struggling with an addiction.


Alcohol Addiction, PTSD, and Purpose

Steven Kuhn, a combat veteran, had recently left the service and was working as a doorman. One day, while at his new work, an ignorant 14-year-old youngster decided to make a snide remark about Steven. "Take a look at this jerk." "Get a real job," the child urged, attempting to make himself feel better about his own deficiencies.

Frustrated and already low on self-esteem, Steven could only think about who he was: "I fought in a war." I'mMan, a PTSD sufferer with his hands on his face. battle-scarred.”

But it was then that Steven recognised he lacked direction. “I guess the most frustrating thing for me was that no one understood what I was saying... I didn't want to talk to anyone else who had served in the military... I knew that would only bring me down... It would transport me to my memories zone and keep me there. And I knew I had to get out, but I had no idea how.”


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Treatment centres ​​| Alcohol withdrawal headache | Alcohol detox | Rehab west palm beach | Rehab Florida | Residential treatment


Steven, who was filled with rage and suffering from PTSD, would fight and then black out if anyone else made nasty remarks to him (not including the oblivious youngster).

"I don't even recall what happened," he continues. And you despise yourself as a result of your inability to control yourself... You despise yourself, and someone else despises you... It's a never-ending cycle, and it's the same with alcohol and drugs... I wasn't doing narcotics, but I was consuming alcoholic beverages."

Engage in a brawl. Drink. Go to sleep. Get up. Repeat. That was Steven's way of life until a huge incident occurred... and a slew of others after that... altered his life.

Watch this Addiction Talk recording to hear more about Steven Kuhn and the details of his touching and inspiring tale in its full. And if you're struggling with drug or alcohol abuse, please get the help you need as soon as possible.


Important Links:

NJ Rehab ​​| Inpatient Rehab | Alcoholism Treatment | CA Rehab | California Rehab | Alcoholism Treatment

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