Facelift Surgery: Procedure and Pre-Post Operation Care

टिप्पणियाँ · 62 विचारों

A facelift, also referred to as a rhytidectomy, is an operation that enhances the appearance of the face and neck by minimizing aging signs.

A facelift, also referred to as a rhytidectomy, is an operation that enhances the appearance of the face and neck by minimizing aging signs. To achieve a more youthful and revitalized appearance, it entails tightening the underlying muscles, repositioning fat, and removing extra skin.

Facelift surgery in Delhi performed by Dr. Mrinalini Sharma at Aestiva Clinic can address a variety of issues, including sagging skin, jowls, deep wrinkles, and loss of facial volume. It is frequently combined with other procedures, such as eyelid surgery or a brow lift, to provide a more comprehensive rejuvenation.

What are the steps involved in facelift surgery?

The following are the general steps:

  1. Anaesthesia: The patient will be given anaesthesia before the surgery to ensure that they are comfortable and pain-free throughout the procedure.

  2. Incisions: The incisions are usually made near the hairline or behind the ears. The surgeon's chosen technique will determine the size and placement of the incisions.

  3. Repositioning of tissue: The underlying tissue and muscles will then be lifted and repositioned by the surgeon to give the patient a more youthful and revitalized appearance.

  4. Skin tightening: The surgeon will pull the skin taut and trim any excess after realigning the underlying tissue. After that, the skin is once again draped over the face and stitched.

  5. Incision closure: The incisions are then closed with sutures.

After the procedure, the patient will be monitored for a short time before being allowed to return home. Depending on the complexity of the procedure, recovery times can vary, but most patients will need to take at least a week off of work and refrain from strenuous activity for some time.

What pre- and post-operative care is required for a facelift?


  1. Stop smoking: If one smokes, they must stop at least two weeks before surgery because smoking can interfere with healing.

  2. Avoid blood-thinning medications: At least two weeks before surgery, one should stop taking any blood-thinning medications, such as aspirin, ibuprofen, or naproxen.

  3. Follow the surgeon's instructions: The surgeon will give specific instructions on how to prepare for surgery. It is critical to carefully follow them in order to achieve the best possible result.


  1. Rest: One will need to rest for a few days following surgery. Based on the extent of the surgery, the surgeon will advise the patient on how much rest they require.

  2. Manage pain and swelling: Following surgery, one might experience some pain and swelling. To help manage these symptoms, the surgeon will prescribe pain medication and may recommend ice packs.
  3. Follow the surgeon's wound care instructions: To avoid infection, it is critical to keep the surgical site clean.

  4. Avoid strenuous activities: For at least two weeks after surgery, one should avoid any strenuous activities, such as exercise or heavy lifting.

  5. Attend every follow-up appointment: In order to track the recovery, the surgeon will set up several follow-up appointments. In order to make sure that the recovery is going as planned, it is crucial that one regularly visit the doctor.

If one wishes to get this treatment done, they can visit the Aestiva Clinic to consult with the renowned plastic surgeon, Dr. Mrinalini Sharma to learn more about facelift surgery costs in Delhi.

Consult her for more information!

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