Micronutrients Fertilizers: Essential for Plant Growth and Development
Understanding Micronutrients Fertilizers
Micronutrients refer to mineral elements that plants require in very small quantities for proper growth and development. The six main micronutrients for plant growth are boron, chlorine, copper, iron, manganese, and zinc. Unlike macronutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium which plants need in large amounts, micronutrients are required only in trace amounts measured in parts per million.
However, Micronutrients Fertilizers (https://www.coherentmarketinsi........ghts.com/market- play a crucial role in numerous plant metabolic processes such as photosynthesis, enzyme activity and protein synthesis. Lack of even one of these micronutrients can lead to micronutrient deficiency disorders and hamper crop productivity.
Micronutrients Fertilizers: Role of Boron in Plants
Boron is essential for the growth of root tips and the development of new tissues. It plays an important role in sugar translocation, cell wall structure, flowering and fruit development in plants. Boron deficiency reduces crop yields and also affects the quality of agricultural produce. Some common symptoms of boron deficiency include stunted growth, deformed roots, cracked stems, premature dropping of young fruit and flowers. Oilseed crops like canola and sunflower are particularly sensitive to low boron levels. Fertilizing crops with boron ensures optimum plant growth as it facilitates efficiency in the use of other nutrients as well.
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