Permanent Solution for all Ear Structure Deformities: Rib Cartilage Technique

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Parents often feel disheartened or puzzled when a child is born without an ear or poor ear shape, as ear deformities have an adverse impact on the physical and as well as mental well-being of an individual.

Microtia, anotia, cup ear, lop ear, and cryptotia are some deformities that indicate the abnormal formation of the exterior part of the ear. It is a congenital malformation. 

It typically develops in the womb, and Ear Reconstruction Surgery is a solution to this. Ear reconstruction surgery is not an easy procedure. It is considered one of the most challenging treatments due to its complexity. This procedure is performed at The Microtia Trust, the best ear reconstruction clinic in India where the famous surgeon Dr. Parag Telang performs this procedure. Ear reconstruction is advisable for two groups of patients, those who have ear deformity from birth and those who have lost a normal ear due to any disease or accident. This surgery is carried out in two stages which are performed 6-12 months apart.


How is ear deformity detected?

Ear deformities, apart from accidents or trauma, are carried in babies from birth. It can be detected from ear physiology as it is represented by:

?Small ear size as compared to normal

?Closed small ear

?Irregular ear shape

?No ear at all.


Why does one need to get the treatment done?

  • These ear deformities can be just a physical problem but should be consulted with the specialist as it may contain internal or anatomical problems that eventually lead to hearing loss in an individual.
  • The complications should be evaluated properly and the part affected should be diagnosed so that it can be treated successfully.


The best solution to all the ear deformities

Ear reconstruction using the rib cartilage technique is the best option for these kinds of ear deformities. The best material for reconstructing a new ear is the soft portion of the rib called cartilage. This framework is implanted into the skin pocket underneath the scalp on the skull where the new ear will be located. Since the patient’s own rib cartilage is inserted into the pocket, there is no risk of infection which might be associated with the silicone prosthesis. This ear reconstruction surgery provides excellent and long-lasting results.  The success rate of the surgery is more than 90%, which is an excellent success rate. This is one of the most preferred methods of ear reconstruction worldwide because it retains its shape and lasts a lifetime. People who undergo this surgery can absolutely lead a normal life with a normal-looking ear.

Dr. Parag Telang aims to help children with ear deformities by providing a natural-looking ear with Ear Reconstruction Surgery. He has done a Fellowship under Dr. Francoise Firmin, a renowned reconstructive surgeon in Paris, France in this intricate surgery. He is a highly skilled and experienced surgeon and delivers his patients with consistent results. He has been performing ear surgery in England, India, and USA. To know more about ear surgery in detail, fill in the details here Book an Appointment | The Microtia Trust | Dr. Parag Telang.

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