Get Love Handles Removed with Liposuction

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It isn’t so hard to lose weight. Only those stubborn fat are hard to burn.

One of the most difficult fats to get rid of is love handles. Fat retention around particular body parts is the primary cause of love handles. When an individual intakes more calories than they burn, fat cells form. Excessive intake can accumulate fat over time, particularly around an individual's waist and hips. Thankfully, procedures like Liposuction can help resolve this issue. 

Dr. Parag Telang, who provides the best Liposuction in Dubaiexplains, Liposuction, also called liposculpture or lipoplasty, is a body sculpting surgery that may help thin the hips, buttocks thighs, thighs, abdomen, ankles, knee, calves, chest, as well as eradicate a double chin. Many people believe that this surgery has helped them feel and look better.

Ideal Candidates for Liposuction 

  • Liposuction may be the correct technique if one has reasonable expectations for the surgery.
  • People who dedicate themselves to retaining their appearance after surgery through a good diet and frequent exercise.
  • Must be in decent physical condition.
  • Normal-weight people with tight, elastic skin and exercise-resistant fat in certain body parts.
  • Non-smoker and non-drinker.
  • People with a cardiac condition, heart disease, diabetes, or a weakened immune system are not good candidates for this procedure.
  • People with serious sicknesses, medical conditions, or infections that might interfere with recovery are not good candidates for this procedure.

Note: Those looking for this cosmetic surgery in Dubai should consult a good surgeon like Dr. Parag Telang before making a final decision. The doctor will thoroughly evaluate one’s medical history and suggest whether to undergo this surgery. The best cosmetic surgeon will even suggest the most suitable alternatives if they are not deemed fit for this treatment. 

Love Handle Liposuction Procedure

Love handle liposuction is intended to eliminate extra fat from the flank and waist regions by following the given below steps: 

  • The surgeon gives a sedation or local anesthetic.
  • During the treatment, a narrow tube called a cannula is inserted through tiny skin incisions to suction away the fat. 
  • The surgeon moves the cannula back and forth to separate the fat cells and expel them from the body. 
  • The treatment typically takes some hours to complete. 

What to Expect After the Operation?

  • Patients may have some edema, bruising, and soreness following the treatment, but painkillers and compression clothing can control these side effects. 
  • To ensure a quick recovery, it's crucial to adhere to the surgeon's post-operative recommendations. 
  • Patients should avoid intense exertion for several weeks before returning to work and routine activities. 
  • If a healthy lifestyle is sustained, the outcomes of love handle liposuction are long-lasting.

Love handle liposuction can easily help eliminate those hard-to-burn fat molecules and give that contoured look. If looking for Liposuction in Dubai, one can contact Dr. Parag Telang, the best plastic surgeon.

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